Coffee review

Introduction to the Flavor characteristics of Matari Mocha Coffee and the different methods of latte

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Matari mocha: the best in mocha coffee, like top red wine, rich tropical fruit flavor, infatuated, rich and varied flavor with unique sunshine flavor, fine taste, can also feel a hint of chocolate sweetness in the tail rhyme, the taste is strong and worthy of careful taste. Product name: Mattarimoka, Yemen Yemen Mattari Mocca Origin: Ye

Matari mocha: the best in mocha coffee, like top red wine, rich tropical fruit flavor, infatuated, rich and varied flavor with unique sunshine flavor, fine taste, can also feel a hint of chocolate sweetness in the tail rhyme, the taste is strong and worthy of careful taste.

Product name: Mattarimoka Yemen Mattari Mocca, Yemen

Origin: Yemen Bani Matar

Raw bean treatment: sun exposure

Baking degree: medium baking

Taste: shallow baked with citrus, blueberry acidity, obvious sweetness and strong wine aroma. After the sour taste is worn off under the deep baking, it is replaced by a fruity, full-bodied palate with chocolate aromas in the finish.

Matari mocha-the best in mocha coffee, like top red wine, rich tropical fruit flavor, infatuated, rich and varied flavor with unique sunshine flavor, fine taste, can also feel a hint of chocolate sweetness in the final rhyme, the taste is strong and worthy of careful taste.

Product name: Mattarimoka Yemen Mattari Mocca, Yemen

Origin: Yemen Bani Matar

Raw bean treatment: sun exposure

Baking degree: medium baking

Specification: 227 grams

Matari beans are similar to Ethiopian Hara, but shorter than Hara beans. Although the beans are small, they contain distinctive features, especially the distinct fruit acids, which are often used as flavor enhancers in mixed coffee, so they are often compared to red wine in coffee. The aroma and sour taste are particularly memorable. Light roasted with sour aromas of citrus and blueberries, obvious sweetness, wild sour taste and strong wine aromas. The deep-baked Matari has a different flavor. After wearing off the sour taste, it is replaced by a fruity flavor with a rich taste and a chocolate flavor in the finish.