Coffee review

Can I have tea and coffee together?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee time to drink coffee is best after breakfast and lunch, because this can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion, can decompose the high-calorie, high-fat food eaten, and will not be like drinking coffee on an empty stomach, causing irritation to the stomach. It is best not to drink coffee after dinner, for fear that it will affect sleep. If you want to stay up all night drinking coffee, you may accidentally drink it.

Coffee time

Drinking coffee is best after breakfast and lunch, because it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, can break down high-calorie, high-fat foods, and will not cause irritation to the stomach like drinking coffee on an empty stomach. It's best not to drink coffee after dinner, for fear it will affect your sleep. If you want to stay up all night by drinking coffee, you may drink too much without knowing it, which is bad for your health.

Make a mess when you are nervous

Caffeine helps to improve alertness, agility, memory and concentration. But drinking more coffee than you are used to will produce the same dose of stimulants that you are used to, which can cause nervousness. For people with anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

Aggravate hypertension

Caffeine is often combined with other simple painkillers because of its analgesic effect, but if you take it in large quantities for a long time, if you already have high blood pressure, using a lot of caffeine will only make your situation worse. Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect, so people at risk of high blood pressure should especially avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during stressful times at work. Some people who drink coffee all the year round think they are immune to the effects of caffeine, but this is not the case. One study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

Induce osteoporosis

Caffeine itself has a good diuretic effect, if you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, it is easy to cause bone loss, which will adversely affect the preservation of bone mass and may increase the threat of osteoporosis for women. But the premise is that people who don't get enough calcium in normal food, or people who don't move very often, plus women after menopause, calcium loss caused by lack of estrogen, coupled with a large amount of caffeine, may pose a threat to bones. If you can enjoy it in a reasonable amount, you can still stop eating for fear of choking.

These people are careful of drinking coffee.

Patients with liver disease

Caffeine prolongs the time it takes to thank caffeine in the body.

Patients with digestive system diseases

I believe that people who often have stomachaches and stomach ailments have an experience, that is, doctors will tell them not to eat irritating foods, including wine, chili peppers, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks.

Coffee is among them because the tannic acid stimulates gastric acid secretion, which must be avoided if it is in the acute stage of digestive disease. After returning to health, if you drink coffee occasionally, it is best to use it after meals to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

Pregnant woman

Many women pay special attention to all foods they eat since they are pregnant, and drinks containing caffeine are also taboo. This is mainly due to the slow metabolism of caffeine in pregnant women, the caffeine stays in the body for longer, and the fetus in the belly will not be able to remove caffeine from the blood through metabolism until eight or nine months.


Due to the incomplete development of children's liver and kidney and poor detoxification ability, the half-life of caffeine metabolism will be prolonged, so generally speaking, children under the age of 12 need to ban caffeine intake. Even people in Europe and the United States who drink coffee as boiled water all day have very strict restrictions on children's drinking coffee.

Drinking tea can help you lose weight

Tea contains catechin, cholestenone, caffeine, inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid and other ingredients, in the comprehensive effect, has the effect of preventing and inhibiting obesity. In Japan, I like Chinese oolong tea very much. Because oolong tea has a strong effect on decomposing fat, it can help remove greasy, help digestion and lose weight. Dr. Karobi, clinical director of the Department of Medicine in Saint-Donnie, Paris, France, has confirmed that regular drinking of Pu'er tea produced in Yunnan can reduce triglyceride and cholesterol in the body. French women, especially young women, are very particular about physical beauty, and they call Pu'er tea "slimming tea". French doctors conducted an experiment with Pu'er tea. the subjects drank three cups of Pu'er tea a day for a month, resulting in some weight loss and some lower blood lipids. French doctors also used Yunnan Tuocha to conduct an experiment on 40 obese men and women, asking them to drink a cup of Tuocha in the morning, afternoon and evening every day. After using it for a month, more than 40% of them lost weight to varying degrees. This is one reason why the French like to drink Yunnan tea. According to the role of tea to lose weight, tea has become the main raw material of "slimming tea" and "bodybuilding tea".

Second, drinking tea can prevent tooth decay

Drinking tea or gargling with tea, brushing teeth, can not only remove bad breath, but also prevent and cure dental caries. According to reports, Zhou Dacheng, M.D., Beijing Stomatological Hospital, has been studying the efficacy of tea in preventing dental caries since the 1970s, drinking tea, gargling with tea, brushing teeth, or using toothpaste containing tea, but brushing teeth with tea is the best. This is because tea contains fluoride, which has a great affinity with calcium in teeth and can become a kind of "neon apatite" that is difficult to dissolve in acid. It is like adding a protective layer to the teeth, which improves the anti-acid caries ability of the teeth. The use of tea to prevent dental caries is one of the ways of dental care. Therefore, it can be promoted among children to gargle with tea soup, brush their teeth and drink tea. In low-fluoride areas, it is recommended to drink general low-grade tea (high-grade tea and famous tea have low fluorine content), which can prevent dental caries. Each person drinks 10 grams of tea brewed every day to meet the needs of the human body for fluoride. The teas with high fluoride content are Fujian "Oolong Tea", Yunnan, "Dianhong", Zhejiang "Hangzhou Green", Jiangxi "Jasmine Tea" and Guizhou "Poria Brick" and so on.

Tea has the function of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Tea drinking is good for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. Coronary heart disease has a certain role in prevention and treatment. Some people confirmed through clinical trials that people who drank three bowls of tuo tea in a month reduced their blood lipids by 13% and their cholesterol. A clinical trial was conducted on 80 patients with hypertension. The results showed that 30 patients were treated with green tea for five days. Some patients' blood pressure decreased, some returned to normal. Some people also studied the relationship between tea drinking and coronary heart disease, which was divided into three groups: non-tea drinking, occasional tea drinking and regular tea drinking. It was found that the incidence of coronary heart disease was 3.1% for non-tea drinkers, 2.3% for occasional tea drinkers and 1.4% for regular tea drinkers. From this we can see the effect of drinking tea on the prevention of coronary heart disease.

Tea is a good medicine for intestinal diseases

Doctor Zhang Zhongjing said: "Tea is very effective in treating purulent stool and blood." Modern medical research has confirmed that tea is a good medicine for intestinal diseases. Polyphenols in tea can coagulate and precipitate proteins. Tea polyphenols combine with single-celled bacteria to solidify the egg and kill the bacteria. If the serious harm of cholera bacteria, typhoid bacilli, Escherichia coli, etc., soaked in strong tea for a few minutes, most will lose activity. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine and folk commonly use strong tea or green tea to treat intestinal diseases such as bacillary dysentery and enteritis. The method is 3 grams of tea, a bowl of water, fried service, three times a day; or a cup of strong tea, 20 milliliters of vinegar, mixed with 15 grams of tea and shepherd's purse flower, fried three times a day, taken before meals. Secondly, when making tea with water, if the drinking water is not clean, the tea can absorb the impurities in the water and precipitate it, which has the effect of purification and disinfection, which is good for the prevention of intestinal infectious diseases.

The benefits of drinking tea and the people who are suitable to drink it (release time: 2005-2-22 20:51:22)

Drinking tea is a popular trend in recent years. It can be seen that the benefits of tea have long been recognized by the public. I will sort out a few benefits and suitable people for drinking tea for you as a reference.

Black tea: people who do a lot of exercise, people who consume more physical energy, people who want to prolong their lives.

Green tea: people with less exercise and labor, addicts, alcoholics, lose weight, reduce blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis, work stress, anti-cancer.

Scented tea: excessive use of the brain, spleen and stomach belong to deficiency cold, fewer workers.

Oolong tea: meat eaters, people after exercise, weight loss and beauty.

Honey tea: constipation.

Pu'er tea: lose weight and beauty.

The benefits of tea refresh one's mind, lift one's spirits and enhance one's memory.

◆ stimulates the central nervous system and increases motor ability.

◆ stimulates gastric juice secretion, helps digestion, increases appetite and eliminates bad breath.

◆ maintains skin and decomposes neutral fat to achieve the effect of weight loss and beauty.

◆ drinks tea before drinking to prevent hangovers.

◆ eliminates fatigue and promotes metabolism.

◆ protects visual acuity, maintains normal retina and prevents senile cataract.

◆ reduces blood cholesterol and blood lipids, and prevents cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension and cerebral thrombosis.

◆ slows aging and prolongs life.

◆ strengthens teeth and bones to prevent tooth decay.

◆ inhibits cell mutation and has anticancer effect.

◆ treats radioactive operation, protects hematopoietic function and increases white blood cell count.

1. →, a scholar who works with his brain every day, or who often stays up late to study hard, should drink more jasmine tea.

two。 Regular exercise, or engaged in a large amount of manual work, → is suitable for drinking oolong tea and black tea.

3. People who need to often ride motorcycles or are often poisoned by dirty air → can drink more green tea.

4. People who sit still all day and don't exercise usually-→ will drink green tea and scented tea.

5. People who drink and smoke → drink more green tea.

6. A carnivore [a person who feels dazed after a day without meat] → drinks oolong tea.

7. Every time I go to the toilet, I feel that it is a hard job. People who often have constipation → drink more honey tea.

8. People with high cholesterol and high blood lipids → oolong tea and green tea

9. Modern →, who wrestles with computers every day, really needs to drink more tea [as long as it's tea!]

When wrestling with the computer, you might as well make a cup of tea and drink it when you are free, which can not only prevent the harm of radiation, but also invigorate the muscles and bones, eliminate burnout and fatigue, which is the method of health care.