Coffee review

Five cultures of Coffee Espresso

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Westerners not only like to go to cafes for coffee, but also like to make coffee at home. Because coffee represents not only a drink, but a culture, an attitude towards life. Let's take a look at the identities of Espresso Coffee. Espresso is Italian, which means to cook it for you immediately. The impulse caused by coffee is beyond words. There

Westerners not only like to go to cafes for coffee, but also like to make coffee at home. Because coffee represents not only a drink, but a culture, an attitude towards life. Let's take a look at the identities of Espresso Coffee.

Espresso is Italian, meaning "make it for you right away". The impulse caused by coffee is beyond words.

In the eyes of those who play with coffee, Espresso is no longer a simple "espresso". It is a kind of comprehensive coffee, a method of roasting, a kind of coffee brewing, a kind of cooking, but also a kind of life.

Identity 1: mixed coffee

Espresso is an art of integrated coffee that allows people to spend their whole lives studying its recipes. Generally speaking, sun-cured coffee beans are mellow, while water-washed beans are sweeter; 1-2-year-old new beans have lively acidity and taste, while old beans are calm and thick.

As for the recipe, such as writing a music concerto, it only depends on the old master's long-term experience and self-experiment. no wonder the coffee maker enjoys a high status in Italy.

Identity 2: baking method

Espresso is a roasting method, and the "Espresso" that can be bought in the store must be heavy-roasted coffee beans suitable for brewing espresso. Espresso often uses deep baking to drive lipids to the outlet of the cell pores, when the baking temperature is over 200℃, which could destroy the whole pot of beans in a few seconds. It is necessary to say that the mastery of Espresso baking degree is an art.

Identity 3: cooking method

Espresso is a method of using technology to cook coffee. It must meet the following conditions: the content of coffee powder is between 5 grams and 8 grams, the water temperature is between 85 ℃ and 95 ℃, the water pressure is between 7 and 9 atmospheres, and the filtration time can not be less than 25 seconds or more than 35 seconds. Such a cup of coffee is the most fragrant Espresso.

Identity 4: cuisine creativity

Due to the strong flavor of Espresso, the addition of milk or other drinks will not be diluted, so it can be made into a variety of fancy coffee, has become a creative dish.

For example, add milk and cinnamon powder to make cappuccino; add milk and chocolate sauce to make coffee mocha; if only add milk foam, it becomes a cup of Maggialdo; add whipped cream to become sweet Campbell blue.

Identity five: a kind of life

In Italy, Espresso is a daily necessity for local people. In the morning, drink a latte (made of milk and Espresso) at home; then go to the store and ask for an Espresso and drink it up a few sips in front of the bar.

While the waiting time, you can talk to people, and even the coffee maker joined in at this time, making the cafe a small social world.