Coffee review

A cafe filled with ancient Chinese culture

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, I think moral goodness is mainly influenced by Taoism and Zen, and the focus may first focus on self-improvement, rather than reaching the world at the same time, because in today's social environment, good people often have to bear huge cost risks. In the past, the disciples of Confucius once lamented that only after decades of inculcation, the Confucianists had 72 wise men, while Laozi ruled by doing nothing.

I think moral goodness is mainly influenced by Taoism and Zen, and the focus may first focus on self-improvement, rather than reaching the world at the same time, because in today's social environment, good people often have to bear huge cost risks.

In the past, the disciples of Confucius once lamented that only after decades of earnest teachings, the Confucianists had 72 wise men, while Laozi ruled by inaction, but only by virtue of his personal charm, he could also enlighten one side, and achieved remarkable results. As for Zen, there were no cafes in ancient China, but there were teahouses. Zen master Zhaozhou often said nothing but asked people to drink tea whenever he came to ask about the Dharma. Since you can understand it by drinking tea, is it okay to drink coffee? Because the essence of Zen is to teach people to stay away from all kinds of things.

As for artistic beauty, I seem to have seen gratifying momentum in Chinese cafes, especially in Hangzhou. Many cafes can break through the existing patterns in their design, which is quite refreshing and comfortable for people both physically and mentally. In addition, many cafes spare no effort in pursuing the specialty of coffee itself, and when their skills are sophisticated, they are close to Tao. Maybe one day, in these cafes, we can see that moral goodness and artistic beauty are so perfectly integrated that culture always spreads and evolves with the times, and cafes as a subculture, the same is true. So what might a good Chinese cafe culture look like today? Roughly speaking, culture can be divided into three fields, namely, scientific truth, moral goodness, and artistic beauty. As we have just mentioned, in the information age, science is prosperous, so the desire for all kinds of knowledge is not urgent. However, in today's China, moral goodness and artistic beauty are absent, so according to the track of development, Chinese coffee shop culture is likely to focus on these two fields. because this meets the needs of the current era, a very important part of European coffee shop culture is salon activities, and I think it is due to the special needs of the times at that time. At that time, under the influence of the Renaissance, all kinds of humanism and civil rights ideas sprang up, and the cafe happened to become a catharsis of all kinds of thoughts and an important social place. However, with the development of the times, the Internet is the place where all kinds of ideas and gossip spread. If it is just a salon in a cafe, it is in danger of being marginalized. Therefore, in the information age, the function and urgency of salon activities are not so strong. If the concepts of simply adding houses and furniture are not enough to present the Chinese-style cafe culture, then, what kind of connotation can better express the Chinese-style artistic conception? Personally, I think that in order to initially answer this question, we have to go back to the roots of Chinese culture. Chinese culture contains three main branches: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. I have not studied Chinese culture systematically, so I can only make a brief conjecture from the traditional education I received when I was a child. In my superficial understanding, the core of Confucianism is ethics, but it also makes part of its content full of feudal colors (for example: monarchs and officials have righteousness, women without talent is virtue … Etc.), which makes it play a limited role in the application of today's society. In comparison, the carefree Taoism and the open-minded Zen Buddhism seem to have the spirit and significance of transcending the times. Some people may think that Zen Buddhism is also a foreign product, but I think Zen Buddhism can be said to be completely localized since the six ancestors Huineng. Therefore, it seems that it is not too inappropriate to say that it is part of the essence of Chinese culture.