Coffee review

How many milliliters does Cappuccinolo need to hold in a coffee cup?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cappuccino A. Espresso is a 1-ounce (30mL5mL) drink made from ground coffee powder and must be extracted from a two-headed hand. b. Coffee beans are products that are processed and roasted from the fruits of various coffee trees. c. Coffee beans are not allowed to have any additives, flavors, stains, spices, fragrances, liquids, powders, etc.


a. Espresso is a 1 ounce (30ml ±5ml) drink made from ground coffee powder and must be extracted from a two-headed hand.

b. Coffee beans are products that are processed and roasted from the fruits of various coffee trees.

c. Coffee beans can not have any additives, flavors, dyes, spices, fragrances, liquids, powders and so on. But at any time from when coffee beans are picked (like cherries) to extracted into drinks, cultivation during material growth, and primary processing (such as fertilizers, etc.) are allowed.

d. Coffee beans can be blended, individual, from a country or a manor, and so on.

e. All sensory judges must have a full espresso, and if the presented drink fails to comply with the definition of espresso, the taste and sensory scores will be reflected by the sensory judges. Making espresso can prepare a large number of different kinds of coffee beans.

f. The brewing temperature of espresso should be controlled between 90.5-96 degrees Celsius (195-205 degrees Fahrenheit).

g. The brewing pressure of the Italian coffee machine should be set between 8.5 and 9.5 atmospheres.

h. The extraction time difference between two espresso (2 cups and one serving) must be within 3 seconds, otherwise the "extraction time" item will be given "No". The extraction time is recommended between 20 and 30 seconds, but it is not mandatory.

i. Espresso must be served in 60-90 ml coffee cups with handles, and these beverage cups must be accurately measured and verified to ensure that they are free of any harmful substances. This includes (but not the only condition): the cup is too hot to hold or unsafe to drink. Otherwise, the item "use the correct Italian concentrate cup" will be given "No".

j. Espresso must be served with coffee spoons, paper towels and water at the same time. Otherwise, the item "attention to detail" will be given no. k. You can't put anything in the handle except grinding coffee powder and water. Otherwise, this espresso will score zero on all the rating scales (technical, sensory) on the espresso part.

2.2.2 Cappuccino Coffee

a. Cappuccino coffee is a mixture of coffee and milk, with a mellow, sweet sense of balance.

b. Cappuccino consists of an espresso (defined according to 2.2.1 Amurk), textured milk and at least one centimeter (vertically assessed, if 4 points or more are given in the "density and persistence of foam" item).

c. Cappuccino coffee can be made in the form of flower or traditional form, and the form of expression is freely chosen by the players.

d. Cappuccino coffee must be filled in 150-180 ml coffee cups with handles, and these beverage cups must be accurately measured and verified to ensure that they are free of any harmful substances. this includes (but not the only condition): the vessel is too hot to hold or unsafe to drink, otherwise the item "use the right cappuccino cup" will be given "No". The amount of cappuccino must match the capacity of the cup (180ml cups must be filled with 180ml drinks), otherwise the "visually correct cappuccino" item will be deducted from 3 points according to the degree of difference.

e. No top decorations, sugar, spices or powdered condiments are allowed. If used, the contestant will get a zero score in the "balance of taste" item.