Coffee review

Introduction to the basic tutorials and production methods of Coffee pattern Materials

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Introduction to the basic tutorials and production methods of Coffee pattern Materials: this thing is the most easily overlooked, although it is inconspicuous, but it doesn't work either.

Introduction to the basic tutorials and production methods of Coffee pattern Materials

Sharp-beaked flower cup (beating the nipple): this thing is the most easily overlooked, although it is inconspicuous, but it is also very useful. First of all, the temperature requirement of milk foam is relatively high, only at 60-80 degrees will produce the best quality milk foam, so you can feel the temperature of milk through the stainless steel milk tank. Secondly, in the production of pull style, the small pointed mouth is like the painter's brush to start making:

First of all, add the milk foam to the Espresso coffee, and when the milk foam and coffee are fully mixed, the surface will show a thick shape.

[production] teaches you how to make coffee flowers (picture)

Steps. two

Now the official flower drawing begins:

First of all, start from the root of the leaf, shake the wrist holding the flower cup (beating the milk jar) from side to side, and focus on stability.

[production] teaches you how to make coffee flowers (picture)

Steps. three

Now start drawing the leaves on the other side.

Please note that this action only requires the strength of the wrist, not the whole arm.

[production] teaches you how to make coffee flowers (picture)

Steps. four

All right, now draw the last stroke in the middle.

At the beginning, there may be three leaves of different size and asymmetry between the left and right sides.

[production] teaches you how to make coffee flowers (picture)

Steps. five

Finally, it's done!