Coffee review

A detailed explanation of nine common coffees with a clear knowledge of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Espresso / Espresso: the pressurized vapor passes directly through the coffee powder, and the resulting liquid is called espresso. It belongs to pure coffee and is the base of other coffee drinks. two。 American coffee / black coffee / Americano:1 espresso + 2 parts water 3. White coffee / Flat White:1 espresso + 1.5 parts hot milk 4. Maggiadoto / Machi

1. Espresso / Espresso: the pressurized vapor passes directly through the coffee powder, and the resulting liquid is called espresso. It belongs to pure coffee and is the base of other coffee drinks.

two。 American coffee / black coffee / Americano:1 espresso + 2 parts water

3. White coffee / Flat White:1 espresso + 1.5 parts hot milk

4. Macchiato / macchiato / Macchiato:1 espresso + 0.5 part milk foam (fat in milk)

5. Campbell Blue / Combana / Con Panna:1 espresso + 0.5 part whipped cream

6. Latte / Latte:1 espresso + 1.5 hot milk + 0.5 milk foam

7. Brev / half latte / Breve:1 espresso + 0.75 hot milk + 0.75 whipped cream + 0.5 milk foam

8. Cappuccino / Cappuccino:1 espresso + 0.5% hot milk + 1.5% milk foam

9. Mocha / Mocha:1 espresso + 1 hot milk + 0.5 chocolate sauce + 0.5 fresh cream

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