Coffee review

Introduction of Arabica Coffee Bean Family-introduction of Price characteristics and varieties

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Arabica coffee beans family introduction-price characteristics variety introduction in the picking process, in order to avoid too astringent, poor quality coffee beans into the follow-up production, it is necessary to ensure that every red coffee fruit is ripe and full. Then, after the picked coffee bean fruit is cleaned up and the skin and flesh are removed, the coffee hidden in the center can be obtained.

Introduction of Arabica Coffee Bean Family-introduction of Price characteristics and varieties

In the picking process, in order to avoid too astringent and poor quality coffee beans into the follow-up production, it is necessary to ensure that every red coffee fruit is ripe and full. Then, after the picked coffee bean fruit is cleaned up and the skin and flesh are removed, the coffee bean hidden in the center can be obtained. It is then properly dried so that the fresh coffee beans have an average moisture content of 11% to 13%. If there is too much water, mildew may occur in the later preservation process, and it will also affect the final drinking quality of coffee. Therefore, every step needs to be very careful and cautious.

Roasting technology is very important to the taste of coffee, different degrees of roasting will bring different color and aroma of coffee, which will directly affect the final product. In order to get the best coffee products, every grain of coffee must be carefully screened to ensure that every Arabica bean is of the best quality before roasting the raw beans. Roasting can fully release hundreds of aromatic substances contained in coffee beans, bringing out more levels of coffee flavor, and coffee taste is also appropriate, not sour, not bitter.

After roasting, Arabica coffee beans have emitted a strong aroma, however, to prepare a really mellow and delicious coffee, the follow-up projects should not be underestimated: grinding, extraction, blending, refrigeration, each step of the operation will directly affect the final taste of the coffee. XS-coffee coffee uses the "fine grinding method" to grind the full coffee beans into uniform and fine coffee powder, and then through the exclusive extraction method, the coffee extract with rich flavor, changeable levels and full of aroma can be obtained. Then the coffee extract is quickly preserved in a stable and low temperature environment, retaining all the rich taste and aroma. Finally, after the preparation of a unique formula, different flavors and levels of XS-coffee coffee are prepared.

Singapore Xiong International plans to recruit XS-coffee agents from major supermarkets, convenience stores, chain stores, restaurants, hotels and coffee shops across the country in 2014.

XS-coffee (Mr. Dou), developed using the traditional coffee processing technology in the Asia-Pacific region, retains the original mellow aroma and thickness of coffee beans, with a rich and mellow taste and endless aftertaste. In order to create such a delicacy, XS-coffee always insists on choosing high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Each coffee bean must go through several complicated processes such as strict screening, picking, processing, roasting, grinding, extraction and so on. And XS-coffee (Mr. Dou) so persistent, only for the final mellow, rich aftertaste.

XS-coffee is convinced that good coffee comes from good raw materials. For a cup of delicious coffee, starting from the raw materials of its beans, XS-coffee (Mr. beans) has to go through strict selection, so XS-coffee (Mr. beans) chose the world's top variety of coffee beans-Arabica coffee beans. This kind of coffee tree not only has harsh growth conditions, but also has to go through five years of natural maturity and complicated manual picking to produce excellent raw beans with unique flavor and excellent quality.