Coffee review

Coffee smart cup brewing technique-coffee pull pattern embossing shaking technique

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee smart cup brewing technique-coffee pull embossed shake method espresso coffee is no doubt the overlord, when talking about Italian coffee, can not say Italian, to say Italiano (Italian). This is the only way to laugh. Generally speaking, if you see a barista dropping powder from a giant bean grinder into a handle and compacting it, put a huge machine into it.

Coffee smart cup brewing technique-coffee pull pattern embossing shaking technique

Espresso is undoubtedly the overlord. When talking about espresso, you can't say Italian, you have to say Italiano (Italian). This is the only way to laugh.

Generally speaking, if you see a barista dropping the powder from a giant bean grinder into a handle and compacting it, and putting it on a giant machine to extract coffee, it's basically that espresso is not gone.

The biggest difference between espresso and most coffee is that the extraction process of espresso is higher than normal atmospheric pressure. When the air pressure increases, the efficiency of extraction will be greatly improved. Of course, this depends on the pressurized environment provided by the coffee machine. In fact, it is not long since the birth of modern espresso. In 1946, Italian talents got Espresso (espresso with floating coffee oil) by improving the coffee machine, which was pressurized during extraction, which led to modern espresso.

When a coffee glutton comes to a cafe, the usual thing to do is order a "double latte" or "double American". It doesn't mean two drinks here. Instead, it carries a double base in one serving of coffee (about 25 milliliters, 15-20g). In this way, you can drink more "coffee flavor". At the same time, problems such as the advantages and disadvantages of coffee beans and technical mistakes in extraction will be magnified and exposed.

1. Be sure to grind and drink.

Try not to buy coffee powder directly, but to buy freshly roasted coffee beans. Because the flavor and charming taste of the coffee will soon change or even disappear after it is ground.

2. Make your own coffee.

The thicker the coffee powder, the higher the water temperature, the longer the soaking time, and the higher the proportion of powdered water, the stronger the coffee is and the less sour it is. These are several factors that affect you to get a good cup of coffee, we need reasonable control: a, coffee powder such as coarse sugar, b, water temperature 80-90 degrees Celsius, c, soaking time 60-90 seconds, d, powder: water = 1:15-20, of course, adjust freely according to your own taste.

3. Warm cup

This is a step that everyone may ignore, and a lukewarm cup of good coffee will affect the taste.

Source: Beresta's blog