Coffee review

Shelf life of roasted coffee beans-step diagram of hand-brewed coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Shelf life of roasted coffee beans-step diagram of hand-brewed coffee many people mistakenly think that keeping coffee in the refrigerator is the best way. But this is not the case. Coffee can't stand moisture, air and extreme temperatures. When the coffee is taken out of the refrigerator, extreme temperature changes can affect the freshness. In addition, the condensation humidity will also make the coffee beans (powder) spoil prematurely and spoil the good coffee.

Shelf life of roasted coffee beans-step diagram of hand-brewed coffee

Many people mistakenly think that keeping coffee in the refrigerator is the best way. But this is not the case. Coffee can't stand moisture, air and extreme temperatures. When the coffee is taken out of the refrigerator, extreme temperature changes can affect the freshness. In addition, the condensation humidity will also make the coffee beans (powder) spoil prematurely.

Good coffee beans should be sealed and preserved as soon as possible. It is said that beauty is easy to grow old, and so are coffee beans. The peak stage of coffee bean flavor usually lasts only 2-3 weeks, no more than 1 month at most, so we can also think that the shelf life of coffee beans is 1 month. Of course, aging can be properly delayed by some man-made means, such as filling inert gas, but the laws of nature cannot be reversed by manpower after all.

Fresh coffee is actually good coffee. Everyone wants to have a good cup of coffee, and they know that making a cup now may be fresh and will be fine. But many coffee drinkers have come to a misunderstanding. That is: either freshly made coffee is good coffee, it is fresh coffee. This should start with the preservation of coffee beans. Raw beans, that is, beans that are not roasted, can be kept for a long time. As long as the temperature is right and it is not damp, it will be easy to release for several years, but it can also be regarded as old beans. Once baked, it will expire in 3 days after exposure to the air. If it is packed at this time (with oxygen-resistant aluminum film nitrogen-filled packaging, it can be more than 1 year). If it is ground into powder, it will expire completely in 24 hours. the above expiration is not undrinkable, but the taste is too different. Fresh coffee has a strong aroma, no sour taste and strange taste. The out-of-date coffee has no flavor and is very sour. Therefore, in order to get a good cup of coffee, people buy their own machine, take time to grind and cook, but it is not new, because their own beans are too small, and a packet of beans can make about 150 cups, which may take several months to finish. It will change in more than 3 days, not to mention it has been kept for so long. At present, the most popular and freshest coffee is: LAVAZZA capsule coffee, and MACHADO coffee cakes. Because the beans are freshly ground, sealed with nitrogen and antioxidant film stored instantly, do not open the package, can be as long as 2 years, when you want to drink coffee