Coffee review

Analysis of Common nouns of Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is coffee in English, cafe in French and Spanish, caffe in Italian and kaffe in German.

For beginners, I do not quite understand many commonly used nouns, because they do not have a systematic understanding, so it is difficult to understand them when listening to others talking about them. I would like to talk about some commonly used nouns and talk about them in order to give you a systematic understanding of coffee:

Part I: coffee classification nouns

Black coffee (black coffee): many people think that coffee without sugar and milk is black coffee, this is a misunderstanding. In fact, black coffee refers to coffee fired directly with coffee beans, without milk, etc., will affect the original taste of coffee drinking way. Instant coffee does not belong to black coffee.

Specialty coffee / fancy coffee (special coffee): adding something else to coffee to produce a drinking style that is acceptable to most people is called specialty coffee or fancy coffee.

Instant coffee (Instant coffee): nowadays, the best preparation process of instant coffee is as follows: coffee beans are roasted to produce aroma, aroma components are extracted by SFE-CO2 process, caffeine is extracted by changing SFE-CO2 process conditions, and the residue is heated with water and then sprayed to make powder. The aroma components, refreshing components caffeine and water-soluble components were separated to form instant coffee. Because there are too many kinds, individuals do not have much interest, do not say one by one.

Among them, black coffee is divided into three types: variety coffee, comprehensive coffee and product coffee.

Coffee of origin: coffee of origin uses beans from a single coffee origin to make coffee, such as the Blue Mountains and Colombia seen in coffee shops.

Mixed coffee: mixed coffee is also called mixed coffee. The term of mixed coffee is called MIXING, which means to mix. Because each kind of coffee with single bean has its own sour, bitter, sweet and aromatic characteristics, apart from Blue Mountain, no kind of coffee is very uniform, so different varieties of coffee beans are mixed in different proportions and can produce different flavors. Most of the signature coffee in all coffee shops is a blend of their own recipes, such as "Mamba" (Manning Brazil Santos blend) in a better coffee shop.

Product coffee: product coffee refers to the use of different coffee beans through the manufacturer's special process rather than a single roast coffee beans. For example, decaffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee are common nowadays. Although this kind of coffee has lost the original intention of drinking black coffee, they still belong to black coffee.

Beans: coffee in the world basically belongs to two big beans, Arabica (Arabica) and Robusta (Robusta).

Arabica (Arabica): all the coffee producing areas in the world are Arabica (Arabica), and they are also descendants of coffee varieties transplanted from Arabia. if you see the Arabica, you also refer to this family. Arabica grows all the coffee from the top place in the world.

Robusta (Robusta): most of them grow below 600m above sea level and come from the Congo in Africa. Mainly grown in Africa and Asia.

Harvest treatment:

Freshly ripe coffee is called coffee cherry. There is pulp on the outside of the beans. There are two ways to process coffee beans, which are called sun exposure and water washing.

Exposure: naturally dry the coffee cherries directly in the sun for 15-20 days, turning continuously until the dehydrated pulp and peel are separated from the coffee beans. Modern times also have exposure to the sun for a few days, and then the coffee beans are dried in a machine at 45-60 degrees and then separated.

Washing: washing is a more expensive treatment. The process is: cleaning coffee cherries-soaking-separating pulp-fermentation-drying-peeling. This is a relatively fine process, the obtained coffee beans look very shiny, mostly used in good producing areas of beans.

Now, when you hear someone buy you coffee, you say: all my coffee here is made from Arabica. You should know what it means.

Part II: nouns of origin

Let's talk about the more famous coffee producing areas in the world. Beginners only need to know some of the most famous beans. I won't go into too much detail. I will only pick beans produced by famous producing countries. Places like Vietnam, which produce large quantities but only produce junk coffee, do not mention it:


Santos: there are also some translated as Santos, the full name is Bourbon Santos


Medellin (Medellin)

Armania (Armenia)

Manizarez (Manizales)

These three are often collectively referred to as "Columbia" in cafes because they are never exported separately, called MAM.


Mocha ((Moka, Mocha)), please note here that there is also a kind of mocha in the way of drinking specialty coffee, which is completely different.


Mantenin (Mandheling)

Ankora (Ankola)


Java (Java)


Blue Mountain (Blue Mountain)

Jamaica Alpine (Jamaica High Mountain)

Kenya AA



But that (Kona)

Part III: baking nouns

Coffee beans must be roasted and ground before they can be cooked in various ways, and different roasting degrees are used according to the characteristics of different coffee, which is why the coffee beans we see have different depths of color.

The mainstream baking categories in the world are:

Shallow (light), medium (medium), deep (dark), and extra deep (verydark)

But professional baking is more complicated, with the above four baking subdivided into eight types from shallow to deep:

one. Shallow baking

two. Cinnamon baking

three. Medium baking

four. High baking

five. City baking

six. City-wide baking

seven. French baking

eight. Italian baking

Part IV: taste nouns

Now we are talking about the proper terms for the taste of black coffee appreciation. in fact, these should be written in a more in-depth part in the future, but since this article is entitled to nouns, let's talk about it in general:

The proper term for the taste of black coffee appreciation, friends who like wine will find that it is quite similar to wine appreciation:

Clean coffee is not rustic or wild, nor does it have any major flaws or uncomfortable features.

Balance has features that are complex and interesting enough, but none of them stand out.

Body, Mouthfeel) texture refers to the thick, slippery touch of coffee in the mouth, which is proportional to the amount of colloid suspension in the coffee. Since the texture is felt throughout the mouth, we use "rich" to describe thick coffee and vice versa as "thin".

Complexity (Complexity) refers to the different levels of characteristics that coexist in the same cup of coffee, high complexity, indicating that there are many kinds of sensory stimuli that can be felt; it should be noted that these feelings include the aftertaste and are not necessarily limited to the feelings of drinking.

Depth is a more subjective adjective, which refers to resonance and appeal beyond sensory stimulation, which may be caused by some meticulous senses or complex interactions between different senses.

Bitterness (Bitter) this is the characteristic of deep baked beans, like sour taste, it is not necessarily uncomfortable, it is the sensation of the whole mouth and throat, not just the tongue. Generally speaking, friends who drink American coffee or Saifeng coffee may use "strong" to describe this feature.

Sweet has two meanings. The first is to feel the stimulation of sweetness, which is commonly known as sweetness; the other means that between baking in a deep city and baking in Espresso, the taste of glycol, which is partly astringent and rich in texture, is reminiscent of sugar; the tip of the tongue does not have to react.

Smooth refers to a sweet Espresso that is slightly sour and bitter, with a little sugar and can be drunk comfortably without milk.

Acidity (Acidity) coffee after the entrance, light left on the tip of the tongue taste. The word "sour" looks eye-catching, but in fact, the original flavor and fresh vitality of coffee beans, like wine, are contained in its sour taste. The acidity of fresh coffee, with the aroma of fruit, is like the natural acid in lemon, grape, apple and other fruits, which is pleasant and fresh.

Aroma) the mellow aroma of coffee in the wandering air. From roasting, grinding to brewing, coffee beans try their best to release their fragrance at every stop of its long journey. Therefore, you might as well make good use of your sense of smell and experience this fragrant journey with coffee.

Flavor (Flavor) is connected with the above three to form the impression of coffee. Some coffee has a variety of flavors, sour, sweet and bitter, while others are extremely sour, completely occupying your sense of smell and taste. There are also people who are used to using "feeling" to dominate judgment-does coffee have its own style? Does it have a unique forest or fruit aroma? Is your temperament gentle or masculine? This is the most intimate and emotional stop in all the tasting processes.