Coffee review

Central enterprise giant innovation: using Internet thinking to build missiles and open the most fashionable cafe

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Wang Wenjun said: for Sinosteel, innovation and entrepreneurship is not only a response to the national call, but also something that must be done for the transformation and development of enterprises in Internet + 's new era of knowledge economy. Gao Hongwei, chairman of the veteran military enterprise Aerospace Science and Industry Group, also revealed his heart: as an enterprise established during the planned economy, if it is not driven by innovation and entrepreneurship, the enterprise will grow old like a tree.

Wang Wenjun said: for Sinosteel, innovation and entrepreneurship is not only a response to the national call, but also what must be done for the transformation and development of enterprises in the new knowledge-based economy era of "Internet +."

Gao Hongwei, chairman of the Aerospace Science and Industry Group, a veteran military industrial enterprise, also revealed his heart: "as an enterprise established during the planned economy, if it is not driven by innovation and entrepreneurship, this enterprise will grow old like a tree." The aerospace science and technology industry has entered the second entrepreneurial stage, and it is necessary to innovate and start a business for the sake of the new life of the enterprise. "

Many established central enterprises do have some chronic diseases, such as bloated organizations, low decision-making efficiency, self-closure, far away from the market and so on. The chairman of a central enterprise once laughed at himself: "our pulse and heartbeat are slower than others." But now, they have sensed the promotion of the times and the heavy pressure of the market, and passed on this sense of crisis and urgency to the whole staff.

The State Power Investment Group is a new enterprise after restructuring. Surprisingly, at the group's first Youth League Congress this year, Chairman Wang Binghua strongly recommended a book called "Retirement on Mars" to the young people of the State Electric Power Investment Corp. and praise the innovative thinking and creative ability of Musk, the protagonist of Tesla in the book. He hopes that more SPIC young people will emancipate their minds, take positive actions, and devote themselves to innovation and entrepreneurship.

"developing new economy and cultivating new momentum" has become the theme of the "Internet +" era. The mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative has become a great wisdom and internal driving force to promote the transformation and upgrading of these "big" central enterprises.

"there must be something stuck."

The mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative, a central enterprise, has many advantages such as strength, capital, platform and talents. It looks very beautiful and lively, but it is not easy to really join in. There are still many difficulties to overcome in really implementing and implementing the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation".

On October 17, the 2016 Central Enterprise "Lixing" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was launched, presided over by Xiao Yaqing, minister of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and State Councilor Wang Yong attended and delivered a speech. This high-standard competition was born out of the Lixing Innovation and creativity Competition, which has been held by China Electric Technology Group for three years in a row, while Li Xinshuo, who was the first to build the platform of the "brilliant Star" competition with the team, has already "thrown" himself outside the system. he left his post from a central enterprise and became a founding partner of Qiju Union.

The daring Li Xinshuo said that she "started" on mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and it was in this process that she deeply felt that there were still deep-seated difficulties and difficulties in the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" of the central enterprises. "it can never be completed in one or two roadshows and a few projects."

In March this year, the State Council issued a circular on the implementation of several provisions of the Law of the people's Republic of China on promoting the Transformation of Scientific and technological achievements, which clearly states that the state encourages enterprises to establish and improve an incentive distribution mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, make full use of equity sales, equity awards, stock options, project income dividends, post dividends and other ways to encourage scientific and technological personnel to carry out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The administrative departments in charge of finance, science and technology should study and formulate incentive policies for equity and dividends in state-owned science and technology enterprises, and implement incentives for scientific and technological personnel in conjunction with deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises.

Li Xinshuo believes that at present, the relevant entrepreneurial policies issued by the state are very strong, clearly delegating the right of disposal, income and distribution of scientific and technological achievements. On the two key rights, the trading right and the pricing right, it needs to be further legalized.

For example, there are still some obstacles to the post dividend right. The state mainly implements the management of total wages for state-owned enterprises, and if scientific and technological achievements are transformed into tens of millions of yuan for entrepreneurs, they may not be able to break through at present.

"at present, we have not seen a better mass entrepreneurship and innovation team on duty to achieve substantive property rights transactions. The entrepreneurial projects that can really complete the national policy are rare, and there must be some link stuck. " Therefore, Li Xinshuo decided to jump out and explore the business model that serves the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of central enterprises and scientific research institutes outside the system.

When communicating with some central enterprises, Li Xinshuo found that some central enterprises do not know much about the national entrepreneurship policy and the policy on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the internal process of the enterprise lags behind, the mechanism does not keep up, and there is a "hollow zone" that does not fit.

Some central enterprises are keen to create incubators, "take a bunch of incubators", and end up dying a lot. In Li Xinshuo's view, central enterprises have the inherent advantage of resources, holding the platform, market, capital and manpower, and the mortality rate of incubators should not be so high. She believes that the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" of central enterprises should mainly focus on incubating projects that are about to enter the track of industrialization, and should adapt national policies to the internal processes of enterprises, to the market, to talent policies, and to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. In this process, there is a long way to go and there are many articles to be done.

Starting a business is difficult and there are many battles. Some people say that if you are not ready to burn your bridges and die, it is best not to start a business.

However, the decision-makers of central enterprises have the responsibility and mission to maintain and increase their value. The biggest risk of the mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative is that "decisions cannot be made wrong and state-owned assets cannot be lost."

As the founder of Xinhua 1949 Chinese Creator Space, Liu Yongrui is always hot, running projects and talking about cooperation all the time. Xinhua 1949 is a cultural and financial innovation center established on the old site of Xinhua Printing Factory in the past. She said frankly: "Entrepreneurship is not afraid of hardship, but we are state-owned enterprises, decision-making levels, can not make mistakes, but also have performance indicators, a lot of pressure."

To untie the "giant" central enterprises, create an innovative and entrepreneurial environment that tolerates failures and allow trial and error, and create a competitive and incentive mechanism for entrepreneurs to integrate with the market, so that the country's policies are truly on the ground. these problems in the deep-water area of the mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative of central enterprises need to be solved by further deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises. (