Coffee review

Russian natural coffee powder sales increase

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 2006, the Russian coffee market reached 119 - 126 thousand tons, an increase of 4.57% over 2005. In the last three years, the growth rate of this market has been maintained at 4 -5%, while in 2006 the total Russian coffee market increased by 3%. The growth of the market is due not only to the increase in coffee consumption but also to the change in consumption structure as consumers tend to drink coffee of higher strength. pin

In 2006, the total volume of Russian coffee market reached 11.9-126000 tons, an increase of 4.57% over 2005. In the last three years, the growth rate of the market has been maintained at 4% Mel 5%, while the total Russian coffee market grew by 3% in 2006.

The growth of the market is due not only to the increase in coffee consumption, but also to changes in the consumption structure-consumers tend to drink high concentrations of coffee. The fastest growth in sales is natural coffee powder, which grew by 18% in 2006. Freeze-dried coffee has the largest sales volume, followed by granular coffee, followed by coffee powder. These three types of coffee account for 68% of the market. When measured by sales, freeze-dried coffee has the largest sales, accounting for nearly 50% of total sales. In 2006, freeze-dried coffee outsold granular coffee for the first time. This result is caused by a long-established consumption trend-consumers tend to buy high-quality coffee such as natural coffee and freeze-dried coffee. The market share of granular coffee, coffee powder and coffee mixtures is decreasing, and the per capita consumption of consumers is growing faster than that of the coffee market. The decline in the number of Russian residents is the reason for the relatively slow growth of the coffee market. In 2006, Russians drank an average of 278 cups of coffee. In the five years from 2003 to 2007, sales in the coffee market increased by 20 per cent and 83 per cent.