Coffee review

The difference between flat white and latte-the Origin of Flat White

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The difference between flat white and latte-the origin of Flat White but in the United States, the taste of cappuccino coffee has always been able to satisfy consumers, so the demand for new varieties of coffee is not so strong. But we still can't ignore the custom of Americans chasing new trends. After being recognized by people in Australia and New Zealand, Flat White Coffee finally went abroad.

The difference between flat white and latte-the Origin of Flat White

But in the United States, the taste of cappuccino coffee can always satisfy consumers, so the demand for new varieties of coffee is not so strong. But we still can't ignore the custom of Americans chasing new trends. After being recognized by people in Australia and New Zealand, Flat White Coffee finally went abroad to London, England, and then landed on the American continent. Since then, New Yorkers, including the famous local media, have gradually fallen in love with this exotic magic coffee. But at that time, people could only drink Flat White coffee at the local Australian-themed cafe. This means that Flat White has not really sprung up in the United States.

At that time, Flat White was just a new thing to Americans, and not many people really knew about it. Said Joseph Joseph DeRupo, a spokesman for the American Communication Association (National Communication Association). He admitted that he had never even drunk Flat White coffee himself. I have never heard of any exotic coffee from Australia or Britain. People used to follow the Italian coffee trend. Flat White may be just the tip of the iceberg of the exotic coffee trend of non-Italian traditional coffee culture, but it still firmly dominates the coffee market in the United States. Americans are always keen to absorb and accept new things.

Today, Flat White has become popular on the streets of the United States. People can drink this kind of coffee in any local cafe. But up to now, the definition of Flat White coffee is still controversial. Michael Phillips (Michael Phillips), the training manager of Blue Bottle Cafe, who won the 2010 World barista Competition, told us that a native American customer once ordered Flat White coffee in his cafe. Instead of Flat White, the barista made him a brand new cappuccino coffee that looks and tastes very similar to Flat White.

What do baristas think of Flat White coffee? Barista will R. (Will R.) from Blue Bottle. Flat White is a cappuccino with higher temperature and thinner foam. You will encounter the same situation in other parts of the United States. Customers often get a small latte or a cappuccino with more milk after asking the barista for Flat White coffee. Maya A. (Maia A.), chief barista from Cafe Medici Cafe, Texas. She said they did so because her cafe had already started making more creamy cappuccino coffee. If a customer wants a Flat White, then I will make him a cappuccino, which is smaller than a regular latte, and will tell the customer that this is Flat White coffee. Even local customers from Australia will praise it.