Coffee review

Coffee powder water scale picture-coffee proportion picture

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee powder water scale picture-coffee ratio picture Macchiato has been translated by many cafes as Macchiato, which simply means scooping a few spoonfuls of milk foam into a cup of Espresso. The coffee is still strong, and you can enjoy the delicate milk foam. We often hear about caramel macchiato, which is said to be the original invention of Starbucks by adding vanilla syrup to the milk and Espr

Coffee powder water scale picture-coffee proportion picture

Macchiato is also translated by many cafes as "Macchiato", which simply means scooping a few spoonfuls of milk foam into a cup of Espresso. The coffee is still strong, and you can enjoy the delicate milk foam. We often hear "caramel macchiato", which is said to be the original creation of Starbucks by adding vanilla syrup to the milk, mixing it with Espresso coffee, and then covering the milk foam with a layer of caramel. white coffee is a Malaysian specialty with a history of more than a century. White coffee does not mean that the color of coffee is white, but uses high-grade Liberica, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans and super skimmed cream raw materials. After moderate and mild low temperature roasting and special processing, a large number of caffeine is removed, the bitter and sour taste produced by high temperature carbon roasting is removed, the bitter taste and caffeine content of coffee are reduced to a minimum, and no additives are added to strengthen the taste. Retain the original color and flavor of coffee, the color is lighter and softer than ordinary coffee, a touch of milk golden yellow, pure taste, so it is named white coffee.

Frappuccino Fabrizino. This coffee is basically made up of an ounce of espresso underneath, with ice cubes, syrup, whipped cream and caramel sauce. You can use the statements introduced above to change the weight.

Americano American coffee. Perhaps Americans are the laziest brains in eating and drinking. Adding a certain proportion of water to espresso is American coffee. Of course, it can also be considered that Americans are the most original.

Misto Mistol Coffee. Also known as French Milk Coffee. It gets its name because the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1. If you want to drink traditional misto, you need to pour the milk pot and coffee pot into the coffee cup from both sides at the same time. This method of making espresso espresso has been going on for hundreds of years. Espresso is also called espresso because it is brewed in a mocha pot invented in Italy and filtered by high-pressure steam and hot water. This kind of coffee has a strong flavor and needs to be mixed with different proportions of milk to produce different flavors. It is often heard that someone likes to double the number of espresso: I'd like a double/triple espresso. The number of servings of this kind of coffee is generally divided into decaf decaf, double double, triple three, and quad four. Latte latte. This kind of coffee is based on espresso with milk and foam, which is usually 1:2:1. Of course, this ratio can be fluctuated. If you want more milk foam, you can say, i want some extra foam, I want more milk foam. There are also people who drink iced lattes with some ice in them. If you think there is too much ice, you can ask to say not too much ice.