Coffee review

Brazilian pectin sun-dried coffee beans-the difference between sun-dried and washed coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Brazilian pectin sun-dried coffee beans-the difference between sun-dried and washed coffee beans is endless in Brazilian coffee fields, most of which are harvested mechanically in order to achieve economic benefits. When 75% of the coffee fruit in the coffee garden turns red, mechanical harvesting is started, followed by the same pre-operation of washing, moving into the sink to remove the floating beans, sifting out the sunken beans, and then using a large pulp screening machine to dig out the pulp and remove the beans covered with pectin.

Brazilian pectin sun-dried coffee beans-difference between sun-dried and washed coffee beans

Brazil's vast coffee fields are mostly harvested mechanically for economic reasons. When 75% of the coffee fruit in the coffee garden turns red, the mechanical harvesting is started, followed by the same pre-operation of washing, which is transferred to the sink to remove the floating beans, sifting out the sunk beans, and then using a large pulp sifter to remove the pulp and remove the pods covered with pectin. The next stage is separate from the washing method: instead of moving the sticky pods to a tank for fermentation, they are moved to an outdoor drying field. Due to the dry climate in Brazil, the sticky pectin on the pods hardens in about a day. Then use a lot of manpower to turn up and down, so that the pod evenly dry inside and outside, so as not to regain moisture and stink, about two to three days with the help of sunlight and dry weather natural forces, the pod can reach a certain degree of dehydration. Then further drying in a dryer to reduce the moisture content to 10.5--12%, and then storing the pods in special containers for about ten days, further ripening, in order to stabilize the quality, before export and then grinding off the sheep dust (i.e. pods), take out the coffee beans, graded packaging. Mucous membrane adhesion is very strong, and not easy to remove, must be placed in the tank about 18-36 hours, so that its alcohol, and decomposition of the mucosa. There are two methods of fermentation, wet and dry, as the name suggests, the former with water, the latter without water. During the alcoholization process, the seeds and internal pulp will undergo special changes, which is one of the most influential steps in the water washing method. After washing, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the inner skin. The moisture content reaches 50%. They must be dried to reduce the moisture content to 12%. Otherwise, they will continue to be alcoholized and become moldy. The better treatment is to use sunlight drying, although it takes 1 - 3 weeks, but the flavor is excellent and quite popular. In addition, some places use machine drying, which greatly shortens the processing time and makes the flavor inferior to sun-dried coffee.

Brazil's vast coffee fields are mostly harvested mechanically for economic reasons. When 75% of the coffee fruit in the coffee garden turns red, the mechanical harvesting is started, followed by the same pre-operation of washing, which is transferred to the sink to remove the floating beans, sifting out the sunken beans, and then using a large pulp sifter to remove the pulp and remove the pods covered with pectin. The next stage is separate from the washing method: instead of moving the sticky pods to a tank for fermentation, they are moved to an outdoor drying field. Due to the dry climate in Brazil, the sticky pectin on the pods hardens in about a day. Then use a lot of manpower to turn up and down, so that the pod is evenly dried inside and outside, so as not to regain moisture and stink. In about two to three days, with the help of the natural force of sunshine and dry climate, the pod can reach a certain degree of dehydration. Then further drying in a dryer to reduce the moisture content to 10.5- 12%, storing the pods in special containers for about ten days, further ripening to stabilize the quality, grinding off the sheepskin (i.e. pods) before export, taking out the coffee beans, and packaging them in grades