Coffee review

How do cafes become an ocean of knowledge for interesting young people?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Community activities spread public welfare topics in the past two years, salon through QQ group, Wechat official account to attract new people. With the addition of many new members, Sunday Reading Salon gradually broadened the scope of sharing and began to try to spread the new knowledge more widely through social lectures and other forms. At the 72-hour public welfare event of the bookstore this year, the new member of the salon, kaxing, took the opportunity to teach the audience about the concept of gender equality.

Community activities convey the topic of public welfare

In the past two years, Sharon has recruited new people through QQ groups and official Wechat accounts. With the addition of many new members, Sunday Reading Salon gradually broadened the scope of sharing and began to try to spread the new knowledge more widely through social lectures and other forms. At the 72-hour public welfare event of the bookstore this year, the new member of the salon, kaxing, "took the opportunity" to teach the audience about the concept of gender equality and encourage more women to develop bravely. In addition, Curry Bear and Meteor also talked about the civilized pet breeding methods and animal protection concept in the sharing meeting, which brought practical guidance to many neighborhoods.

"in the future, we will try more similar sharing, so that more thinking themes close to life can be integrated into the community." Venus said

Interesting knowledge "hand in hand" social topic

Since its establishment in 2012, members of Sunday Reading Salon have been focused on sharing in-depth reading experiences, and hold topic sharing activities every two weeks on □, so that more readers can get to know each other and learn from each other. The salon does not confine its activities to the reading framework. Many of the joys of life and literary and artistic customs are deeply remembered by the participants. The sharing of entomology categories brought by Xiaoling, the cultural promotion of fresh and hot movies brought by Xiaobai, the sharing of dessert making skills by Ah Chi, and the principle of artificial intelligence of "alpha" dogs explained by Zhiyuan have made many people memorable. "We hope that the theme and form of the activity will be free, and we welcome any intellectual sharing that can enhance the joy of life." Zhiyuan said with a smile. In addition, the salon closely linked the theme of the event to the attention of the city from time to time, using knowledge sharing to appeal to the public to pay attention to the urban cultural changes in Zhongshan. "Reading to acquire knowledge, we insist on knowledge sharing, in order to understand the world." Zhiyuan said.