Coffee review

Why is the coarse ground coffee powder suitable for drip-filter coffee powder?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Why is the coarse ground coffee powder suitable for drip-filter coffee powder? The degree of grinding suitable for cooking method should be selected. two。 The temperature produced during grinding is lower. 3. The powder should be uniform after grinding. 4. Grind before cooking. No matter what kind of grinder is used, it is bound to generate heat by friction during operation. But most of the fine substances are highly volatile and ground.

Why is the coarse ground coffee powder suitable for drip-filter coffee powder?

1. The degree of grinding suitable for cooking method should be selected.

two。 The temperature produced during grinding is lower.

3. The powder should be uniform after grinding.

4. Grind before cooking.

No matter what kind of grinder is used, it is bound to generate heat by friction during operation. However, most of the fine substances are highly volatile, and the heat of grinding will increase the speed of volatilization, allowing the aromatic alcohol to be lost in the air first.

After grinding, the cell wall of coffee beans will completely disintegrate, which means that the area of contact with air will increase a lot, all lines of defense to protect freshness will be completely removed, and the rate of oxidation and deterioration will become faster, which will make the coffee lose its flavor within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Therefore, the author strongly suggests: do not buy coffee powder, it is best to buy coffee beans, and grind them before drinking, and brew them as soon as possible.

Incidentally, the Turkish copper pot, shaped like a spoon with a long handle, is filled with coffee powder, water and sugar and boiled over the fire. This method of extracting coffee, known as "boiling", uses a deeply roasted, finely powdered coffee powder. Why use deep-baked coffee powder? The astringent taste of light-roasted and moderately roasted coffee powder will be enhanced after being boiled at high temperature, while using deep-baked coffee, even if extracted at high temperature, the coffee is completely bitter.

The above problem is also a matter of degree. If the grinding is too rough, the hot water will easily pass through the filter paper, and the delicious ingredients of coffee can not be fully extracted. In this way, the coffee from the coffee pot becomes a light, thin liquid.

Each coffee utensil has its own suitable degree of grinding, so we don't use whatever degree of grinding we want. As mentioned above, the coffee powder is too coarse or too fine to make coffee, that is to say, the most suitable grinding degree is medium to medium roughness.

The following is the relationship between the grinding degree of coffee powder and the extraction method:

1. Suitable for fineness grinding: Turkish copper pot, mocha pot, espresso machine.

2. Suitable for medium grinding: filter paper dripping filter, flannel dripping, plug air kettle (also known as siphon kettle).

3. Suitable for roughness grinding: dripping coffee machine, dripping filter pot.