Coffee review

The part of the Italian coffee machine that needs to be washed frequently is washed by the head.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The part of the Italian coffee machine that needs to be washed frequently is the part that comes into direct contact with the coffee powder every time you brew the coffee. Because the coffee powder is pressed, the coffee liquid can seep out of the powder bowl only when the pressure reaches a certain range. So before exudating, the coffee liquid still has the possibility of partial reflux, even though there will still be some coffee oil and powder in the end.

The part of the Italian coffee machine that needs to be washed frequently is washed by the head.

The water diversion network is the part that comes into direct contact with the coffee powder every time you brew the coffee. Because the coffee powder is pressed, only when the pressure reaches a certain range can the coffee liquid seep out of the powder bowl, so before exudation, the coffee liquid still has the possibility of partial reflux, even if there is still some coffee oil and powder left in the water diversion network, if it is not clean for a long time. Then a large amount of residue and grease will be left between the water distribution network and the copper block, thus affecting the taste of coffee brewing, and it is also extremely unhygienic.

The cleaning of the coffee residue from the brewing head can separate the filter net and the copper block on the brewing head. The filter net is the part that comes into direct contact with the coffee powder every time the coffee is brewed. Because the coffee powder is pressed, the coffee liquid will flow out of the powder bowl only when it is pressed to a certain extent, so the coffee liquid may flow back before it seeps out, and some coffee residues may still be in the filter. If it is not cleaned for a long time, it may affect the taste of the coffee and it is also very unhygienic. After cleaning the copper, you can release water, because after recoil, you may leave some powder in the pipeline of the coffee machine, which can be eaten, but it is better to put it clean.

As for the recoil in the first brief introduction, the so-called recoil is the use of the pressure generated by the coffee machine itself, combined with cleaning powder to clean the waterway of coffee. A blind bowl can be used for recoil, that is, a filter bowl with no eye-catching handle. Plug the eye punch of a single powder bowl, then put the powder in the bowl, and then put the hand back into the coffee machine. Because it is a blind bowl, the water will not flow out, and the hot water will dissolve the powder. Because the pressure water will flow back into the pipeline, the powder will backwash and clean the pipeline. Generally pressurized for about 7 seconds, stop pressurization, due to pressurization, water will be ejected from the pressure relief valve, and may even be spilled from the drip tank below, so it is recommended that you cover it with a layer of towel to prevent water from splashing out. In this way, the switch exerts pressure to go back and forth for about 10 times, which basically achieves the purpose of cleaning the pipeline, and now you can take off the handle.