Coffee review

The processing method of Danqi Meng Coffee introduction to the Environmental production area of Cooperative planting Manor

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Beans taste different according to the region where they grow. The factors that affect the taste are the variety of coffee trees, the soil properties of growth, the climate and altitude of the cultivation garden, the care of picking results, and the process of bean treatment, etc. These elements vary from region to region, while bakers and integrated manufacturers look for the characteristics of each region, so that the comprehensive products have their own unique typical flavor. You can try to chase.

Beans taste different according to the region where they grow. The factors that affect the taste are the variety of coffee trees, the soil properties of growth, the climate and altitude of the cultivation garden, the care of picking results, and the process of bean treatment, etc. These elements vary from region to region, while bakers and integrated manufacturers look for the characteristics of each region, so that the comprehensive products have their own unique typical flavor. You can try to pursue your dream of coffee. C ô te d'Ivoire

Some people say it is the third largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil and Colombia, but others say it is Indonesia. But what is certain is that its original Robusta production is the first in the world.

The main producing area is in the south, producing Robusta original medium-sized coffee beans.

two。 Ethiopia

Ethiopia is an agricultural country with a history and tradition of coffee origin. The place where the name "coffee" comes from is Kafa in the southwest, while the Hitamo place in the south is the main producing area. Eastern Highland Hara is as famous as the coffee name "Hara".


1. India

The southwestern state of Karnataka is the main producing area, and coffee beans are in the shape of large grains. The coffee beans from the southeastern state of Tamil Nadu, though small, are high-end products of India.

two。 Indonesia

The coffee producing area in Indonesia is mainly limited to Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The original species of Robusta accounts for 90% of its coffee production.

A small amount of Arabica native coffee beans produced on the island of Java are sour coffee beans with small particles. The original species of Arabicam on this island was once a world-class product, but in 1920, due to large-scale diseases and insect pests, it was changed to the original species of Robusta. Up to now, its original Robusta coffee beans are second to none in the world, with personalized bitterness, "Java", which is widely used for mixed use.

Mantenin, produced in Sumatra, is one of the few Arabica species with large particles, but poor production management and baking are immediately reflected in the coffee beans, so they will be criticized, but the rich and mellow taste from Toyo, such as syrup-like taste, made it considered the best before the Blue Mountains appeared, and many people still love it and can't put it down. Ankara is a kind of coffee beans with small grains and a little round, which represents the coffee of Indonesia.

Manning, Indonesia is a big coffee producer. Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with ROBUSTA species accounting for 90% of the total production. Manning is one of the few Arbica species. The granule of Mantenin is large, the bean quality is very hard, and the rate of defects in the planting process is on the high side, which is usually selected manually after harvest. If the control process is not strict enough, it is easy to cause a mixture of good and bad quality, and different baking degrees also directly affect the taste. Therefore, it has become a more controversial single product. Before Blue Mountain was discovered, Manning was regarded as the best coffee because of its rich and mellow taste, not astringent but not sour, mellow and bitter; moderate roasting will leave a moderate sour taste and unique flavor; if the roasting is too shallow, it will be powdery and astringent.