Coffee review

The coffee market is constantly evolving-what is the current coffee market

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Reported that although the daily coffee can not be separated from the majority of people, but this coffee fans have become more and more. Uncle Dou, founder of Beijing Haofang Baking, said that in the past 10 years, coffee consumption in the mainland has continued to rise, reaching double digits every year, but until now, the annual per capita consumption of coffee has only been more than 4 cups, while neighboring Japan and South Korea are 340 cups and 300 cups respectively, which is the number of countries such as Europe and America.

Reported that although not most people can not do without coffee every day, but this kind of coffee fans have become more and more. Uncle Dou, founder of Haofang Baking in Beijing, said that over the past 10 years, coffee consumption in the mainland has continued to rise, reaching double digits every year, but until now, the annual per capita consumption of coffee is only more than 4 cups. While neighboring Japan and South Korea are 340 cups and 300 cups respectively, the figures in Europe and the United States and other countries are even more staggering. Even in Taiwan, each person has an average of 100 cups per year.

According to a report by Taiwan's Zhongshi Electronic News on March 2, more and more coffee shops are stationed in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which has become a new urban landscape. For the growing number of coffee fans, coffee is no longer just a simple drink, especially making coffee shops has become an indispensable part of the life of the new generation.

Therefore, in the face of the current situation of rapid development, overcapacity and oversupply, all commercial organizations and business functions are to meet and serve the real needs of target customers as the direction of development. Whether it is the commercial office buildings of TO B or the shopping malls and community shops of TO C, service functions should be added to meet the consumption needs of most customers, thus enhancing the viscosity of customer consumption. Experience shows that when you establish a relationship with a client, he will give you something back. All opportunities lie in the change of consciousness and the attempt of courage.

With a large number of post-85-90 new people pouring into the society, their consumption patterns, consumption habits and even behavior tracks are far from the traditional post-60-70 generation. They can't be satisfied with two things. They don't like the boring working environment or working style. They like fresh and interesting things. They like to share. They like to work, shop and do activities in a relatively relaxed environment. More importantly, we find that most young people like coffee, the unpredictable nature of coffee, the relaxing function of coffee, and the versatility of coffee, which can better explain the characteristics of young people's love of beautiful things. greatly meet their inner needs and show their flamboyant personality.