Coffee review

Yunnan Coffee Trading Center establishes the largest coffee grading center in Asia

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, According to the agreement, the Coffee quality Society will work with Yunnan Coffee Trading Center to design the overall plan for Yunnan and Asian coffee producing areas. Yunnan Coffee Trading Center will cooperate with Yunnan Coffee Trading Center to establish the largest coffee grading center, quality certification center and technical training center in Asia to improve the welfare and quality of coffee producers. The Coffee quality Society will rely on its technology and services to set up

According to the agreement, the Coffee quality Society will work with Yunnan Coffee Trading Center to design the overall plan for Yunnan and Asian coffee producing areas. Yunnan Coffee Trading Center will cooperate with Yunnan Coffee Trading Center to establish the largest coffee grading center, quality certification center and technical training center in Asia to improve the welfare and quality of coffee producers. With its technology and services, the Coffee quality Society will design and implement relevant training programs to provide support to Yunnan Coffee Trading Center in improving coffee quality, increasing the origin of high-quality coffee and "farm identification". At the same time, the two sides will carry out training and qualification work for coffee appraisers and other professionals to provide cup testing training on all kinds of fine coffee for Yunnan coffee enterprises and the domestic coffee industry, so as to further improve the quality of Yunnan coffee, enhance the value of Yunnan coffee industry, and promote Yunnan to become an important producing area of fine coffee in the world.

The global authoritative coffee organization cqi (Coffee quality Society) and Yunnan Coffee Trading Center signed "Coffee quality Society (cqi) and Yunnan Coffee Trading Center (yce) Strategic Cooperation Agreement" and "Coffee quality Society (cqi) and Yunnan Coffee Trading Center (yce) domestic partner Agreement". Yunnan Coffee Trading Center has officially become the first domestic partner of Coffee quality Institute in China.