Coffee review

Fifteen coffee tips must be seen when getting started.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, First, can the skin blacken when drinking coffee? A: so far, no study has shown that there is an absolute relationship between melanin in coffee and melanin in the skin. on the contrary, caffeine speeds up metabolism. Promote digestion. Improve constipation, most of these functions, but also can assist the rough phenomenon of the skin. When it comes to caffeine boosting metabolism, one thing is coffee.

Does coffee make your skin black?

A: so far, no studies have shown an absolute relationship between melanin in coffee and melanin in skin. On the contrary, caffeine speeds up metabolism. Promotes digestion. Improve constipation, these functions seem to be able to assist the rough skin phenomenon. When it comes to caffeine can accelerate metabolism, there is a saying that coffee will accelerate the burning of calories, to achieve weight loss function; basically theory is correct, but this burning of calories is not enough to make weight loss a lot, such as unsightly coffee also added sugar and creamer, large calories on the calculation is more inappropriate weight loss principle.

How should coffee beans be stored?

A: Improper retention can affect the quality and flavor of coffee. Generally speaking, coffee after opening is stored and discarded-coffee beans for four weeks, coffee powder is slightly shorter. Vacuum packed coffee beans can last up to four months if unopened. To minimize physical and chemical transformation of coffee, packaging for storage is a big science. Buy home coffee beans to be stored in a sealed container, can be placed in the refrigerator, remember to sprinkle a small amount of salt in the bucket of coffee storage (do not remove the bag of coffee packaging to avoid coffee and salt assimilation so that coffee tastes excessive salt), help to retain the aroma of coffee spray.

The best time to buy? Choose a breathable bag in the sealed package more than a one-way vent, so that beans or coffee powder gas can be discharged out, but the outside air does not go. Because coffee powder has a shorter retention period than coffee beans, grinding coffee before brewing helps to ensure the novelty of coffee beans and maintain the aroma of coffee.

3. Does coffee cause calcium flow to disappear?

Answer: In recent years, many people have begun to pay attention to calcium loss and osteoporosis due to medical health promotion. As for the relationship between caffeine intake and osteoporosis, it is still under continuous research. At present, there is no direct evidence that caffeine causes osteoporosis, but some studies point out that caffeine increases calcium exudation. Therefore, the current suggestion is that coffee lovers should eat more foods high in calcium to supplement calcium. If you can drink milk before drinking coffee, you can also make the original calcium loss in the body less.

4. Is iced coffee (such as Iced Mocha, Iced Cappuccino) boiled with iced coffee beans or boiled with the coffee beans and ice cubes?

A: Iced coffee is brewed with iced coffee beans. After cooling (at room temperature), ice cubes are added. If ice cubes are added to cool after boiling, the ice cubes melt too much in the coffee, and the coffee becomes too thin. Iced Mocha refers to iced coffee mixed with chocolate syrup, Mocha English means coffee and chocolate. Iced Cappuccino refers to iced coffee in addition to sugar and milk, plus a special spray spice, so the stomach is more special.

5) Is coffee right when it's hot?

Answer: Some people say that the best drinking opportunity for hot coffee is 85 degrees Celsius, and cold is not good to drink. In fact, if it is a good cup of coffee, the taste should be consistent when the temperature is high and the temperature is low, which is why the coffee tester will evaluate the whole process from hot to cold. A cup of good quality coffee, after cooling, in addition to the fragrance reduction, the taste indication will even be better than the temperature. Just because of the invariability of coffee quality, some people are encouraged to drink coffee while it is still hot to avoid the change after cooling affecting the flavor of coffee. From another angle, when a cup of steaming coffee is placed in front of you, drinking it hot is a courtesy to respond to the coffee maker's mind.

Why does black coffee without sugar also sense a little sweetness?

Answer: Most people think coffee beans taste bitter. Acid. In fact, raw coffee beans contain about 5%~8% of sugar, after high temperature roasting, most of the sugar will be converted into caramel, this caramelization for coffee brings strange brown, forming a spray flavor and bitter origin; and residual sugar is left slightly sweet, in addition, roasting good quality coffee beans, the release of tannin, and the formation of brown caramel linked to each other, will also occur a slightly bitter sweet taste.

Why is it so easy to sleep with coffee?

Answer: after a lot of people had drunk coffee, because spirit is excited and cannot sleep experience, this is because there is a kind of tool that cries acerbity inside human body, it is a kind of conduction substance that controls nerve activity, can make breath slow down. Emotional weakening. Reduce acid leakage and urination needs; and coffee contains caffeine, will pretend to be glycine, so that the body feels that glycine has occurred, but in fact glycine has not been recycled, so there is no suppression of infection occurs, so instead, you feel energetic. Add acid to stomach. More frequent urine. Because of the emotional excitement, you will feel the fighting spirit awake, since the lame scene M does not easily fall asleep. It is worth noting that this caffeine caused by the brief sobriety, and does not imply that physical strength really get restored. In addition, because everyone's metabolic rate for caffeine varies, the sensitivity level to caffeine varies, so there are still people who drink coffee and do not feel any effect on sleep.

What water should I use to make coffee?

A: About 98%~99% of a cup of coffee is water, so brew good coffee and make wine. Tea is the same, excellent water quality can flash coffee fragrance alcohol. So drink up more delicious mineral water and coffee whether match? Because mineral water mostly contains sodium. Manganese. Calcium. Magnesium higher hard water, hard water will break down the release of caffeine and tannins, and make the taste of coffee greatly reduced, in addition to avoid the use of water containing disinfectant gas odor, you can use the second boiled water, as well as a morning torrent tap water, and the most suitable for brewing coffee, should be heated in the gas stove boiled water, this boiling water still has a little carbon dioxide, more able to highlight the sweetness of coffee.

What is a good cup of coffee?

A: Coffee is a personalized beverage. As long as the coffee beans used are of good quality, novel and professionally roasted, any coffee suitable for your stomach is good coffee.

A good cup of coffee does not depend entirely on the origin of the coffee beans, brewing style, etc., but on the drinker's own personality, stomach preferences. For example, we can often see in American restaurants or movies a large cup of American coffee drinkers, American coffee because of the taste is weak, sometimes described as "sock water," but these people are happy, this said that the definition of good coffee depends entirely on the individual's happiness, is absolutely egoism.

What are the "three original species" of coffee?

A: Among the many plants on earth, there are at least 40 species of coffee plants, but the more suitable cultivated species are the so-called three original species, respectively Arabica species. Robustra species. Liberica, and this order is the order of their quarrels. Arabica is the most fragrant species, and its caffeine content is only half that of Robusta species. At present, Arabica species account for 70%~80% of the world's total production, while Robusta species are resistant to high temperature. It rains a lot. Little rain, strong adaptability, low cost, yield also has 20%~30% of the total yield, because of the fragrance of the Liberica species is not safe, bitter, except for the country of origin and a few Europeans to drink, and not popular.

How do you taste coffee?

Answer: Drinking coffee should be like tasting a cup of wine (Wine) in general, careful taste in order to appreciate its refinement.

No matter what kind of coffee is brewed, there is no need to rush into the stomach. Smell the original coffee fragrance, then sip to try the original flavor, and then according to my happy favorite to add the right amount of sugar, and stir with a small spoon, while stirring the coffee vortex, gradually add creamer, so that oil floating on the coffee, on the one hand, can be kept warm, on the other hand, the heat of coffee can also evaporate milk fragrance.

Coffee should be drunk hot, because its taste and aroma will be reduced as it cools. Drink coffee not only to moderate temperature but also the right amount, generally injected into the cup about seven or eight minutes, just the amount not only makes the taste vivid, but also neat and light when drinking. Follow this taste pattern and the coffee you taste will be even more delicious.

Is black coffee the best way to taste coffee?

A: There is a saying that drinking coffee is, know how to drink without cream. Black coffee without sugar is the ripeness way to taste coffee. In fact, coffee does not have a fixed correct drinking method, coffee home Ethiopia "coffee road", but also to add ginger. Cinnamon and other spices are featured. For a good cup of coffee, the taste of black coffee can enjoy its original balance of strong flavor, sugar and creamer can make up for some of the coffee defects, such as creamer can remove some astringency, sugar can change bitterness into sweetness.

Thirteen, pregnant women can not drink coffee?

Answer: In 1980, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement recommending that women who were pregnant or at risk of becoming pregnant reduce their caffeine intake. However, many subsequent studies have shown that there is no evidence that moderate amounts of caffeine cause adverse effects on the fetus, and there is no medical statement prohibiting pregnant women from drinking coffee. However, the FDA has not changed its original advice, because pregnant women metabolize caffeine twice as fast as before in the second and third stages of pregnancy. Moreover, caffeine also crosses the placenta into the fetus and flows into the baby through breastfeeding. It is suggested that pregnant women should be more cautious about caffeine intake.

Why does coffee taste sour?

A: Coffee tastes sour, mostly because of the variety of coffee, some coffee own higher acidity, such as: Kenya (Kenya), Mocha (Mocha), Colombia (Colombia), Guatemala (Guatemala) and Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and other varieties.

Roasting level and coffee acidity of the concave and convex, all shallow fried coffee beans also contain organic acids in its composition, so the coffee rushed to drink more acid; and deep fried coffee beans, because the high temperature of the beans has been coffee beans contained in the release of organic acids, so the coffee rushed out of the acidity is low. Too much stirring during brewing (especially when brewed with a "plug") or too much time for brewed coffee to stay on the hot plate are causes of sour coffee.

15 How to buy coffee beans?

No matter what kind of coffee beans, novelty is the main factor affecting quality. When purchasing, grab one or two coffee beans in the mouth to chew, if the crisp sound (suggesting that the coffee beans are not wet), the teeth and cheeks remain fragrant is the top grade, but it is still best to pinch with your hand, feel whether it is solid, rather than buy empty coffee.

If coffee beans have disappeared to spray flavor or smell excessive anti-aging flavor, it suggests that the coffee beans are no longer novel, not suitable for purchase.

Freshly fried coffee beans are not suitable for immediate drinking and should be stored for a week in order to completely release the gases in the beans.

In general, the best drinking period of coffee is one week after frying, when the coffee is the most novel, and the taste of Aroma is the best.

In addition, the purity of coffee beans is also another consideration, mature line selection coffee, not necessarily to see the size of the particles, but to grab a single coffee beans (Regional Coffee), about dozens of pieces of weight, to see whether the color of each single bean is consistent, particle size, shape is similar, so as not to buy mixed beans disguised as inferior products. However, if the unsightly is a comprehensive bean (BlendedCoffee), the size and brilliance are normal. In addition, heavy fire and medium and deep roasting method will cause coffee beans out of oil, but lighter roasted beans such as unsightly oil, indicating that it has deteriorated, not only to reduce the degree of fragrance, but also to present astringency and sourness. In short, when buying coffee, we should pay attention to its novelty, fragrance and old taste, and the ideal number of purchases is half a month to drink.