Coffee review

Drinking coffee during the break of the American college entrance examination

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, December 10, 2011, is the day of the global simultaneous examination of the American college entrance examination. More than 30 students from Harbin No. 3 Middle School Foreign Exchange and European and American study Center and tens of thousands of students from all over the world took the exam together. The New Evening News has been specially approved to explore the American college entrance examination for the first time in Harbu media in three years. The time for the American college entrance examination with a passport is scheduled to start at 08:30 sharp. The reporter found that it was as high as in China.

December 10, 2011, is the day of the global simultaneous examination of the American college entrance examination. More than 30 students from Harbin No. 3 Middle School Foreign Exchange and European and American study Center and tens of thousands of students from all over the world took the exam together. The New Evening News has been specially approved to explore the American college entrance examination for the first time in Harbu media in three years.

Take an exam with passport

The American college entrance examination is scheduled to begin at 08:30 sharp.

The reporter found that compared with the domestic college entrance examination, candidates have two more things, passports and calculators. It turns out that in addition to looking at the ID card, the American examiner should also look at the examinee's passport, which is allowed for the use of calculators in all examinations in the United States.

The examiner announces the discipline and requirements in English. The first examination subject is English, and the time is 45 minutes. Candidates have to complete 75 questions, all of which are multiple choice questions. The invigilator will remind the examinee 5 minutes before the end of each part, waiting for the invigilator to say that when the time comes, the examinee must stop writing. The second part of math lasts 60 minutes and 60 questions. It starts at 09:17 sharp.

After the math exam, the students came to the lounge, some whispered communication, most of them were drinking coffee or Red Bull, and occasionally had some snacks. During the 15-minute break, candidates can go out of the examination room and have something to eat in the lounge, which is a special requirement of the US college entrance examination headquarters in the United States.

The examination papers of four subjects are issued at the same time.

When the examinee walked into the examination room again, the reporter found that the original examination paper had been sent to the examinee before the first examination. At this time, according to the examination order, the examinee will open the third part to read the test paper.

The teacher on one side told the reporter that the US college entrance examination is different from the domestic examination. The first four examination papers are issued together, but after entering the examination room again, candidates can only take the examination in accordance with the regulations. Although the previous examination paper is still in the hands of candidates, it can no longer be flipped. Make any changes.

As the examination content of the reading subject is very much, the reporter found that although the examinee had a short rest, he looked obviously more focused and nervous.

The fourth part of science (relative to the domestic science ensemble), perhaps compared with the domestic some simple, the reporter saw the examinee's mood gradually relaxed. The last subject is writing. At 12:25, all exams are over.

Math is simple.

After the examination, examinee Sun Lingqi was interviewed by this newspaper. Sun Lingqi told reporters that in fact, this is the second time he has taken the US college entrance examination, so he is no stranger to the examination form. Sun Lingqi said that compared with the national college entrance examination, mathematics in the United States is actually relatively simple, all of which are multiple choice questions. In addition, reading is difficult because it involves a lot of American history and world history, as well as writing, which is relatively demanding.

Wang, president of the European and American study Center of Harbin No. 3 Middle School, said that she believes that all the students will get good grades, because the graduates of the previous two years of the US college entrance examination have all studied in the top 100 universities in the United States.