Coffee review

Hand coffee filter cup is very knowledgeable! The devil is hiding in the velocity.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the interview of the Japanese magazine, it is mentioned that the flow rate of several commonly seen coffee filter cups is a very interesting result, which usually does not seem to be discussed when making coffee by hand. So let's take a look at the picture above, from left to right, cooking time from fast to slow, in the following order: HARIO V60 KONO doughnut filter

In the Japanese magazine "$>", there is a very interesting result about the flow rate of several common coffee filter cups, which seems to be rarely discussed when making coffee by hand. Let's look at the picture above. From left to right, the brewing time is fast to slow. In order, they are:

HARIO V60 → KONO → Donut Filter Cup → KALITA → MELITA

The magazine said that the extraction time is just a comparison, and there is no real data, let uncle my heart itch, had to use a very stupid method to measure the coffee filter cup at hand. Although not too rigorous, but more or less a little reference value, hope to throw a brick to attract jade, together to discover the secret of hand-brewed coffee.

First use 400CC of water, pour it directly into the filter cup without filter paper, and see how long it takes to run out. This method is a bit stupid for conical filter cups, so just make a few stepped filter cups.

[Flow rate test seconds/400CC without filter paper group]

KALITA 101 ceramic filter bowl 12 seconds

SANYO Ceramic Filter Cup 18 seconds

BONMAC ceramic filter bowl 28 seconds

KALITA 102 ceramic filter cup 28 seconds

KALITA 185 ceramic filter cup 34 seconds

Tosa washi stainless steel filter cup 46 seconds

KINTO Metal Filter Cup 57 seconds

Next, put in the fan filter paper, pour in 400CC of water, and test the time to run out without coffee powder.

[Filter set flow rate test seconds/400CC]

Name Time

SANYO Ceramic Filter Cup 45 seconds

SANYO ceramic filter cup new version 35 seconds

BONMAC Single Hole Ceramic Filter Cup 50 seconds

KALITA 101 ceramic filter cup 1 minute 52 seconds

KALITA Posami ceramic filter cup fired 35 seconds

KALITA 102 ceramic filter cup 52 seconds

KALITA 155 stainless steel filter cup 1 min 05 s

KALITA 185 ceramic filter bowl not tested

Tosa washi stainless steel filter bowl not tested

KINTO metal strainer bowl not tested

Hario V60 glass filter cup conical 25 seconds

Hario V60 Ceramic Filter Cup Conical 46 seconds

Hario V60 Ceramic Filter Cup New Version 30 seconds

UN CAFE Ceramic Filter Cup Conical 60 seconds

Melita Siphon Filter Cup 3 minutes 40 seconds

After the experimental results came out, KALITA 101 ceramic filter cup, which had the fastest flow rate when no filter paper was placed, became the slowest. The original problem lies in the filter paper and coffee filter cup fit, we use fan filter paper, we have to fold the side first, so the thickness of the paper at the bottom will become twice, this part will fit in the filter cup inside the bottom. If you happen to have a KALITA 101 filter cup at hand, you will find that most of its three outlet holes are covered by filter paper.

So why don't BONMAC and SANYO ceramic filter cups have this situation? Because it has a rib-like groove next to the outlet, it will make a gap between the filter paper and the bottom of the filter cup, so the water flow rate will not be affected. For friends who do not have these two filter cups, please refer to the previously published article of Hongze Coffee: "Taguchi Protection." Baha cafe hand brewed coffee unrevealed secrets.』

So knowing the differences between these filter cups, when using KALITA 101 and 102 ceramic filter cups, you have to adjust the coffee grind or the amount of powder used. It is recommended that the slowest cup uses less powder to extract less coffee liquid and vice versa.

In addition, although the conical filter cup is not in this test, we can imagine that the reason for affecting its flow rate is definitely related to the degree of fit between the filter paper and the filter cup, so each brand is working hard on the inner channel.