Coffee review

The oldest cafe in Paris

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Founded in 1686, Procope is the oldest coffee shop in Paris, but its founder is not a Frenchman, but Mr. Francesco Procopio Dei Coltelli from Palermo, Sicily, Italy. The cafe is named after its owner.

Founded in 1686, Procope is the oldest coffee shop in Paris, but its founder is not a Frenchman, but Mr. Francesco Procopio Dei Coltelli from Palermo, Sicily, Italy. The cafe is named after its owner.

However, the original Procope was not a cafe, but a high-end Turkish bathroom. After becoming the first owner of the cafe, Procopio rebuilt the bathroom, and its ingenious decoration style, such as mirrors and marble coffee tables hanging on the wall, was emulated by later cafes. At that time, the popularity of hanging mirrors in cafes began with this cafe, which not only extended the limited space in the cafe, but also extended the limited space in the cafe, reflecting and projecting candles through mirrors on different walls. It makes people have a romantic illusion.

Three years after the opening of Procope, in 1689, Les com é diens-Francais, the first French drama organization, moved into the building opposite Procope. At that time, the drama organization had a total of 27 members, selected by King Louis XIV, and its status was imaginable. Procope became famous and attracted many intellectuals and literary figures from Paris.

At this time, Paris, France, is brewing the ideological trend of democratic revolution. This pioneering Procope has attracted great enlightening thinkers such as Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau, and the American Constitution has been pondered and perfected by Benjamin Franklin. Voltaire also borrowed a royal marble table to the shop, where he made his home as his work desk, and even had his sentences on the toilet wall. Later guests include Napoleon, Victor Hugo.

Procopio is still open today, and many authentic historical works are there. It is simply a "coffee museum" where you can order coffee.