Coffee review

The definition of coffee "mocha"

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, First, the introduction to mocha as the basic noun for mocha pot, mocha beans, mocha coffee, mocha flavor is first mocha pot, its English name is Moka, the principle I do not explain, this is just an answer post. Then there is mocha beans, known as Mocha in English, exported from the Yemeni port of Moka, once the world's oldest and most important coffee export, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.

First, introduction

The basic nouns of "mocha" are "mocha pot", "mocha bean", "mocha coffee" and "mocha flavor".

First, the mocha pot, whose English name is Moka, I won't explain the principle, it's just a post to answer questions.

Then there is Mokadou, which is called "Mocha" in English.

Coffee is exported from the Yemeni port of Moka at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Mocha was once the oldest and most important coffee export port in the world. The Strait of Mande in front of the port of Mocha connects the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. The history of coffee export from the port of Mocha dates back to the 16th century. Turkey occupied Yemen and monopolized coffee exports all over the world for nearly a century. At that time, Yemeni coffee was loaded in the port of Mocha, making a detour around the southernmost Cape of good Hope in Africa, sailing nearly 10000 kilometers to Europe. The current port of Mocha has silted up and cannot be used, but some of the coffee produced in Yemen is still called mocha coffee.

Another meaning is mocha coffee produced in Ethiopia in East Africa. At the beginning of this article, it is said that Yemeni coffee comes from Ethiopia, so Ethiopian coffee is also called Harald mocha, and Harald mocha is the best mocha coffee.

The last meaning is that mocha is also known as coffee because of Turkey's century-old monopoly on coffee exports.

Next, "mocha Coffee", the English name is "mochaccino"

Mochaccino should be two new units, evolved from COFFEE MOCHA and CAPPUCCINO.

The traditional Italian fancy mocha coffee. The name "mocha coffee" (COFFEE MOCHA) is a kind of coffee with chocolate / milk, then whipped cream on top, and finally sprinkled with chocolate crumbs or served coffee ingredients.

And "mochaccino" is a kind of ingredient changed by Cabo without cream and chocolate.

Finally, "Mocha Flavor", English name "mocha style"

Usually refers to the mixed flavor of coffee and chocolate. There are often "de X" brand "mocha flavor" chocolate and "XX" brand "mocha flavor" ice cream on the market.

Second, solve the doubt.

1. "mocha pot" and "mocha bean" are literally translated from English "moka" and "mocha". Because of their similar pronunciation, both of them have the basic word "mocha". In fact, the mocha pot is not a special cooking tool for mocha beans, and it can even be said that mocha pots are not suitable for cooking mocha beans at all.

2, "mocha coffee", it should be said that "mochaccino" is not made of mocha beans, its coffee base is esproesso. So why is it mocha? Because it is generally believed that mocha bean curd has a wonderful dark chocolate aftertaste, the fancy coffee with chocolate curd is called "mocha coffee".

Of course, the coffee brewed by "mocha beans" should also be called "mocha coffee", but to avoid confusion, it is better to call it "mocha".

3, mocha flavor, also because it thinks that mocha bean curd has a wonderful dark chocolate aftertaste, so those foods with both chocolate flavor and coffee flavor are called mocha flavor.