Coffee review

Coffee Book recommendation: Nordic Coffee Wave "Coffee with Tim Wendelboe"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Original title: Coffee with Tim Wendelboe author: Tim Wendelboe Taiwan version translation title: Nordic Coffee Wave: learn the next generation of boutique coffee from the new generation barista Wen Debo translator: Zhou Yingming approach: Amazon purchase price: ¥80 this book, this cover, the man on the cover, has been hovering in my mind for a long time, when I think it's a nuisance.

Original title: Coffee with Tim Wendelboe

Author: Tim Wendelboe

Nordic Coffee Tide: learn the next generation of boutique coffee from the new generation of barista Wen Debai

Translator: Zhou Yingming

Way to get started: Amazon

Starting price: ¥80

This book, the cover, the man on the cover, has been hovering in my mind for a long time. When I feel that there is a shortage of books, I can't help thinking of ta.

I never found the English version (or did I find it at the beginning, but hesitated not to start? I can't remember very clearly o (∩ _ ∩) o). Later, a cheaper Taiwan version appeared, but there was no stock. When the Z courier came to collect money from me with books, I could not remember when I placed the order. However, even if the money was collected, it was a happy event that there were books to receive.

No gossip.

Suitable for the crowd:

1. Coffee lovers, the content is very comprehensive, although the system is quite professional, but the writing is interesting and lively and uses many metaphors, which is highly readable.

two。 Barista, although the professional knowledge is not very profound, but very comprehensive, but also very practical, if there has been confusion about coffee knowledge at work, there will be some answers in this book, which may not be the standard answer, but can be used for reference.

Reasons for recommendation:

1. Great reading experience: smooth and enjoyable

I read a book in one breath before I thought of changing the color of the marker, and in the process of reading, I would giggle or "nod like garlic" (the original words of the characters writing the preface in the Taiwan version, although I am not so exaggerated, but there are a lot of places, ∩ _ ∩). I originally planned to read it for a few days before I opened the book. I can't believe it ended in one night. I haven't met this sense of comfort, achievement and identity for a long time.

With this reading experience, it is enough to write the word "recommendation".

two。 Sufficient knowledge of coffee: wide range, new vision, no lies

The structure of this book is still very innovative and concise, of course, the whole content will not jump out of the whole process of plants to drinks in coffee books, but the important thing is that the author of this book has a clear central idea. around a theme: flavor is the key. In the final analysis, to gain more knowledge about coffee is to make a better cup of coffee.

The framework of this book is very practical around "how to make a good cup of coffee". For coffee lovers, it really means something, but for baristas, no matter how to adjust the order of relevant knowledge, we already know about each topic, and the order adjustment does not have much impact on reading. On the contrary, we can practice a new way of knowledge combination, if facing a studious customer. Perhaps such an answer would be a good alternative.

3. Coffee books from northern Europe: a different perspective

At present, domestic coffee books have entered a relatively prosperous period in response to the prosperity of the coffee industry, and new books continue to emerge. of course, the quality is a different matter.

Generally speaking, as far as the authors of coffee books are concerned, we come into contact with those with high frequency and excellent reputation, mainly the simplified Chinese versions of Japanese, Korean and Taiwan books.

In addition, thanks to English education, there are some English books to read. Mainly published in the United States. There are occasional works from Great Britain.

This book, from as far away as northern Europe, Norway, is rare. Rare.

Northern Europe, for ordinary people, really feels very far away. Now we travel everywhere and claim that we don't have to worry about getting lost when we go out, because Chinese compatriots can be found all over the world. (∩ _ ∩) o, however, when we talk about tourist destinations, the chances mentioned by Nordic are still much smaller.

Scandinavia, what's my impression? Maybe the cold in winter? Maybe there's a polar night? Maybe the Arctic Ocean? Even polar bears and emperor penguins? What a strange association! Forgive me, bear boy, ∩ (bear _ ∩) o!

As for the coffee from northern Europe, it is more impressive and impressive. Northern Europe is the region with the highest per capita coffee consumption in the world, and its boutique coffee culture is also very popular. There are many champion baristas in Northern Europe.

Now, the author of the book, Tim Wendelboe, is the winner of the 2003 World Barista Competition.

A book from distant Nordic baristas rarely mentions coffee from Italy and several other European countries, which is rarely mentioned in ordinary books, except for the occasional taste of Norwegian coffee. "the world is so big that I want to see it." for those ordinary people who can't be wayward, it's good to look at other people's descriptions.

4. writing style: funny and down-to-earth

"hand-pick defective beans. For those who think coffee beans are too expensive, this is the best summer job. "

"Italian barista. The quality of espresso has nothing to do with their taste in clothing. "

Is this praise or ridicule?

Talk about coffee tasting, "try to make. Keep the vocabulary simple. So that other people can easily understand. To keep you from becoming a ridiculous coffee megalomaniac. "


5. A book that wakes people up: windfall

In terms of the price of this book, it's worth it, and it's a shame to think that I used to be too cheap to start. Prejudice is a bad thing.

There is resistance to this book, in large part because the cover of this book is very different from other books, the cover of this book is a picture of the author drinking coffee leisurely, in terms of my coffee book reading experience, very little. So I rudely decided that the author was not keeping a low profile, and then made negative assumptions about the content of the book before reading it.

Prejudice is a bad thing.

The book finally came to me, and when I couldn't remember the order date, looking at the uncomfortable, flamboyant, smiling Nordic man, I still had a little belly in my heart, and then thought, flipping through it, I would return it if the content was not good. Open the page of the book, the cover fold on the introduction of the book, praise the text let me feel a bit exaggerated, the first impression is not good. Look at the preface, the first half of the preface, the person who wrote the preface also praised too much, let me think of the degree of "gold", and then "nod like garlic", is it too exaggerated?

Prejudice is a bad thing.

6. The last words

Perhaps, after tomorrow, I will be ashamed of the joy and delight revealed in the above words. At the moment of writing these words, I was still wondering whether I should wait for my mood to calm down and make the text more neutral.

Finally, I decided to dedicate these words to the original, because the emotion in the text is also the endorsement of the recommended reasons for this book.

This book may not be outstanding, if it can be read in a few hours and the content is easy to digest, the coffee knowledge in the manual is still at the public level, and it is a cultural and leisure book suitable for coffee lovers.

For coffee practitioners, the significance mainly lies in the expansion of some knowledge points, as well as the understanding of some new ideas, the professional depth is actually limited. In addition, for barista readers, what needs to be felt most is the author's modesty, at least in the text. In the book, when referring to many coffee themes, the author repeatedly emphasizes that there is no absolute right or wrong. Please feel the tolerance and humility shown here. There is no end to learning. The truth is very old, but it can still be constantly reviewed.

If I was once biased because the author dared to show off on the cover, then when I finished reading this plain, funny and smooth book, I had to change my tune and say, well, this middle-aged Nordic barista is still handsome!