Coffee review

Coffee book recommendation: the store opener documentary "Open your own Cafe"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Book title: open your own Cafe Press: Citic is suitable for people: book introduction to friends who plan to open a shop: this is an old book from 2013, translated from Japanese. Although the information, shops and pictures introduced in the book are all from before 2010, there is still a lot to refer to. What matters is the train of thought. First of all, the coffee shops introduced in the book are all independent.

Title: Open Your Own Cafe

Publisher: CITIC

Suitable for people: friends who plan to open a shop

Book Description:

This is a 2013 book translated from Japanese. Although the information, shops, pictures, etc. introduced in the book are all before 2010, there are still many references.

What is important is thinking.

First of all, the coffee shops introduced in the book are independent coffee shops, and each represents the owner's dream. Basically, each article introduces a shop, each shop is very clear about the store features, positioning, decoration, store preparation, owner interviews and so on. This information is especially suitable for those who want to open their own shop.

Dream is a very illusory thing, everyone has a dream, but whether or how to achieve more realistic, but also more complex.

The book is very practical about opening a coffee shop, and the text is also very rich. For example, very clear to tell readers, if you want to open a shop, you can follow what steps to organize ideas. Even the problems and difficulties that might be encountered in the preparation were mentioned very thoughtfully.

There are many books about coffee shops nowadays. What's so special about this one?

The editor of the book does not stand in an expert's point of view to tell you what, but only as a mentor or information collector, to provide readers with ideas for opening a store with as much practical information as possible for reference. It is not dry to throw conclusions to readers, nor is there any flood of praise words, but like documentaries, by showing readers the experiences of some predecessors who have successfully opened stores, let readers slowly feel what it is like to open their own cafes in the process of reading, observing and listening to stories.

There are various coffee shops in the book. From the products offered, there are desserts and coffee shops, simple meals, specialized cuisine shops, and basically all the possible product combinations of independent coffee shops.

Decoration link, in addition to the general picture display, but also concise with the decoration plan, so that readers can understand the store situation at a glance. In addition, the choice of decoration methods has also been introduced, some shopkeepers to professional decoration companies, some do it themselves, to professional decoration companies should also pay attention to what, such as some companies may be good at kitchen, some companies are good at installing balconies, and so on. It can provide details that readers might miss.

Shop preparation is one of the highlights of this book. Few books describe the owner's dream journey so succinctly and clearly. Through short text, in chronological order, record each store owner's road to open a store, such as when he had the idea of opening a store, when he learned skills in what way, when and how to find a store, when he started renovating and how long he renovated, etc. Through simple sentences that begin with time, readers can clearly see how the shopkeeper's dream is built step by step.

Another highlight is that it records the rest time of each shop owner. Many friends who want to open a shop should read it carefully. You will find that most shopkeepers live a life of early departure and late return, opening at 8 or 9 a.m., closing at around 12 p.m., and resting at 2 or 3 a.m. is common. During business hours, the time of eating will be coordinated with the situation of guests. Of course, there are shops that work 9 to 5 and have regular breaks like office workers. These detailed schedules are just a reminder that maybe your store life could be like this.

The best way to learn from the idea of opening a shop is to visit those who have already opened a shop and listen to their experience of opening a shop. These are valuable lessons. Although many friends know that this is a good way, but always because of the face, embarrassed to take the initiative to talk to strange shopkeepers. So, read the stories of the shopkeepers in the book and hear what they encountered when they were preparing to open their stores or after they opened their stores, and maybe you'll have new ideas.

Opening your own cafe, the most commendable thing is the organization. Recommended, look at the catalogue first. Read the "introduction" again. And then, basically without reading the book, you can quickly find what interests you the most.