Coffee review

Test 10 kinds of common earbag coffee to tell you which one is the king of performance-to-price ratio!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Do not care about the location, the price is also relatively low, as long as you have hot water around you, there are basic cups, hanging earbags can bring you a good coffee flavor trip. Moreover, to some extent, it restores the ritual sense of hand-made coffee. With the deepening of the public and the understanding of boutique coffee, as well as the consideration of health, cost performance and convenience, more and more brands and coffee

Do not care about the location, the price is also relatively low, as long as you have hot water around you, there are basic cups, hanging earbags can bring you a good coffee flavor trip. Moreover, to some extent, it restores the ritual sense of hand-made coffee.

With the deepening of the public and the understanding of boutique coffee, as well as the consideration of health, cost performance and convenience, more and more brands, coffee shops and even some cross-border brands begin to sell earbag coffee.

It is good to hang earbags, but which one has the best quality?

CTI will provide you with the evaluation reference report!

This time, we prepared 10 kinds of hang-ear bag coffee, which are common and easy to buy from different channels, and invited 5 coffee lovers to evaluate and score them. They like to drink coffee and go to cafes, but they dabble in different depths and come from different jobs, hoping to bring objective evaluation to everyone from different angles.

Our score is divided into two parts. the first part has a full score of 5, with many stars, which means that the external design is more popular, the picture and text is clear, the quality of the filter bag is good and the coffee powder is ground evenly and meticulously. The second part shows the dried aroma and taste after opening the bag, which is divided into three parts: sweet, bitter and sour, with a full score of 5. The higher the value, the more obvious the performance. As all kinds of taste of coffee are indispensable, so the value does not determine the taste, only represents the degree, only for friends to choose according to their own preferences.


Roasted coffee with charcoal

Raw bean producing area: unmarked

Origin: Japan

Net weight: 7g/ bag

Price: 29.9 yuan per box (4 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce platform, imported supermarket

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: standard Japanese charcoal-roasted coffee, dry and smoky, light to drink, with no merit as a whole.

@ Banlangen: dried incense has no fragrance and is gaudy in packaging, but it is described in detail.

@ Adam: the amount of powder is small, and the overall flavor is not prominent, so it is suitable for daily consumption.


Sumatra Mantenin

Raw bean producing area: unmarked

Origin: no label for outer packing

Purchase page marked Sumatra, Indonesia

Net weight: no label for outer packing

Purchase page tagged 10g/ package

Price: 35 yuan per box (7 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce platform, some cafes

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: dry incense smells like caramel. when the temperature decreases, the acidity increases obviously. Extra points for the anti-collision package, but it would be nice to have a small card for introduction.

@ Adam: the flavor is outstanding, the quality of beans is average, and the baking is good.


Follicular hanging-ear coffee

Raw bean producing area: unmarked

Origin: Shanghai

Net weight: 10g/ bag

Price: 59 yuan per box (10 packs)

Purchase channel: e-commerce

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: the grinding is even, the taste is strong and bitter.

@ Adam: coffee has uniform concentration and grinding degree, high performance-to-price ratio, and is suitable for office drinking.

@ S. Packaging retro, simple introduction


Strawberry Orchard forever

Raw bean producing areas: Ethiopia, Brazil, Colombia

Origin: Taiwan, China

Net weight: 12g/ bag

Price: 130 yuan per box (10 packs)

Purchase channel: e-commerce

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: I'm a strawberry fan. I've been looking for a strawberry-flavored coffee. I like it very much. It tastes sour and sweet. I feel I can drink it all the time.

@ Adam: outstanding flavor, strong overall feeling, exquisite packaging

@ S. The dried fragrance is very sweet and has the smell of strawberries. there are small cards with detailed introduction in the package, high praise


Coffee powder (filter type)

Raw bean producing area: unmarked

Origin: China

Net weight: 9g/ bag

Price: 45 yuan per box (5 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce, stores, some supermarkets

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: deep-baked beans are thrown back to Gan

@ S. Dry incense has the smell of charcoal burning, deep baking is obvious


Yejia Xuefei

Raw bean producing area: Ethiopia

Origin: China

Net weight: 10g/ bag

Price: 48 yuan per box (5 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce, stores, some convenience stores

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: the dried fragrance is very fragrant, and the acidity increases obviously when the temperature is low.

@ S. Dry incense has an obvious fragrance of flowers

@ Adam: the flavor is well preserved, the quality of beans is good, and the sense of balance is good.


Limited amount of single drip filter coffee

Raw bean producing areas: selected comprehensive beans with world flavor

Origin: Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

Net weight: 10g/ bag

Price: 54 yuan per box (6 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce, stores

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: the dry fragrance is a little bitter, the water washing style is better than the sun style, and the packaging is very exquisite.

@ S. Dry incense has charcoal-burning flavor

@ Adam: grind evenly, but the overall flavor is not balanced

90+Levelup dreamer

Hanging ear coffee powder

Raw bean producing area: Ethiopia (Yega Xuefei) producing area

Origin: Xuancheng, Anhui

Net weight: 11g/ bag

Price: 113 yuan per box (12 packs)

Purchase channel: e-commerce

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: dry incense has raspberry fragrance, and the caliber of the filter bag is a little large, so it is inconvenient to get stuck. E-commerce directly uses collision-proof bags instead of boxes. There are small cards in the package that are written in detail, which is suitable for rookies.

@ S. The filter bag is flat at both ends and can not be hung at the mouth of the cup; there is only a way to use the small card. It is recommended to add coffee flavor.

@ Adam: the overall feeling is strong and the quality of beans is good.

Lxxxxxx bit

Hanging ear filter bag coffee

Raw bean producing area: unmarked

Origin: China

Net weight: 10g/ bag

Price: 66 yuan per box (10 packs)

Purchase channel: e-commerce

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: there is a loss of pain when it is hot, but it is not bitter at all when it is warm

@ Banlangen: there is almost no acidity when it is hot, but it begins to taste sour when the temperature drops.

@ Adam: the sense of balance is not strong, the flavor is not outstanding, the degree of grinding is uniform, the packaging is exquisite, but the details can be improved.


Follicular hanging ear coffee bag (Brazilian chocolate)

Raw bean producing area: Brazil

Origin: Qingdao, Shandong

Net weight: 10g/ bag

Price: 30 yuan per box (5 packs)

Purchase channels: e-commerce, some coffee shops

They say something like this:

@ Sasha: dry fragrance seems to smell sugar fried chestnuts ~

@ Adam: strong sense of balance, fresh beans, good flavor

Most popular flavors TOP3:

The everlasting Strawberry Garden of the Baker

90+Levelup dreamer

Maloney and Sheffield

The best ratio of performance to price:

Colin follicular hanging ear coffee

Maloney and Sheffield

After reading the scores of these 10 earbags, do you have a plan to recommend pulling weeds in your mind? Hope to help you find your favorite taste according to your own needs!

If you think which earbag is not mentioned but tastes great, please let us know in the comments!