Coffee review

The entry-level skills of Coffee flower drawing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Do you want to make a beautiful coffee flower? I'll teach you a few tricks! 1, milking: the most important technology, although not very advanced, but requires a long time of practice, requires fine and smooth milk foam, do not have large milk bubbles. 2, the angle of milking: it is best to make a 45-degree angle with the steam sprinkler, depending on the thickness of the foam according to the fluctuation. 3. Heart! The most basic pull

Do you want to make a beautiful coffee flower?

I'll teach you a few tricks!

1, milking: the most important technology, although not very advanced, but requires a long time of practice, requires fine and smooth milk foam, do not have large milk bubbles.

2, the angle of milking: it is best to make a 45-degree angle with the steam sprinkler, depending on the thickness of the foam according to the fluctuation.

3. Heart! The most basic flower drawing technique, if friends want to do better, they must make a good shape of the heart.

4. Leaves! The leaves are changed according to the shape of the heart, and the main point is to shake the shape of the heart in half a cup, and then move on down.

5. Some feathers, apples, double hearts, double leaves and so on need more practice.

6. Only a semi-automatic coffee machine can make the best lace coffee.

7. The oil problem of coffee also plays a key role, and directly affects the taste of a cup of coffee.

8. A cup that is too small requires too much technical experience. Friends are advised to use a slightly larger cup first to make coffee flowers.