Coffee review

In addition to literature and art, opening a coffee shop also requires strategy.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Many coffee shop operators are themselves a literary and tasteful person, coupled with the characteristics of the coffee shop itself and the literary and artistic commonness of the customer group, so more coffee shops are very literary and artistic. However, literature and art alone is not enough, you need more strategy to run a coffee shop. First, the product must be customer-oriented, not driven by literature and art to satisfy oneself and

Many coffee shop operators are themselves a literary and tasteful person, coupled with the characteristics of the coffee shop itself and the literary and artistic commonness of the customer group, so more coffee shops are very literary and artistic. However, literature and art alone is not enough, you need more strategy to run a coffee shop.

First, the product must be customer-oriented, not driven by literature and art to satisfy itself.

I have discussed the relationship between literary creation and coffee with friends. One of the differences between the cultural creation industry and the ordinary industry is that the products and operations incorporate the personal feelings and understanding of art of many sponsors. Although the coffee tube has a lot of spiritual sustenance, for more people, it is a quieter and quieter place than KFC and McDonald's, which is more commercial. After all, most people come here for recreation. Even business visitors. These determine the direction of the operation of cafes, which should be more customer-oriented than the current situation of many cafes-- arranging the structure and service attitude of products based on the owner's literary and artistic dreams. the pursuit of boutique and disdain for money turned into a single product and price and aloof to customers. And those counter-attack cafes must not be the quietest and most compelling shops, but lively and warm places for activities.

Location: affordable Shaxian snacks also look at the location, and cafes with low consumption frequency look comprehensive.

Although we all understand, but still hope you pay attention to, 3W is a special case, ordinary cafes still belong to the traditional industry, hiding in a quiet corner, forcing the bar, but most of the results are bleak. For the selection of the location, in addition to the flow of people, population structure, consumption power and so on, we also need to consider the particularity of coffee: some people are afraid of insomnia, some people can not accept the taste, low turnaround rate, low consumption frequency and so on.

Third, division: the literary and artistic flavor is highly homogenized, not to mention the positioning of the store, at least you need to be a little different.

Often we will sigh when we see a store collapse. Why does a small restaurant with such a warm and small bourgeoisie fall down? But the truth is, many people can find similar art cafes in the alley next door every minute. Literature and art is a special phenomenon in China's coffee industry, and it is also a bad word. Perhaps the "Breaking Bad"-themed coffee shop in Turkey is a revelation. From the very beginning, YouGrain Coffee also insists on being the least artistic coffee bean brand in China. What customers need is a pleasant experience and good products. Even when literature and art are tired, there can be other new ways.

Fourth, it is what giants do to win the mainstream market with the most mainstream products and cultivate users' habits.

This is the advice given to me by a friend, and it is also a fact confirmed in the process of supplying beans to some cafes. Take Douyuan as an example, the mainstream of the market is all kinds of fancy coffee based on Italian concentration. although individual coffee is on the rise, the proportion in most parts of the country is still too low. Therefore, our focus at this stage is a variety of boutique Italian beans, but in the early stage, the whole team spent a lot of cost to develop minority boutique beans. If you focus on individual products and stick to non-mainstream products, they may get better in a few years, but most of them may be eliminated by business laws.

Fifth, strong social needs, sharing is promotion

Physical stores in non-core business areas have a drawback, which can affect most of the customer groups passing by or nearby, with strong randomness and regional restrictions, so the market bottleneck is obvious. However, coffee shops have an advantage, with a high-quality social environment and easy to accept products, so many shops operate properly, the passenger flow is stable, but not up or down, from the perspective of investment, the output efficiency is low. In the Internet era, the demand for social interaction is stronger, so the role of coffee shops should shift from coffee sales venues to entertainment and communication platforms, and take the initiative to produce some thematic activities.

The above five business strategies hope to be helpful to coffee shop operators. When running a coffee shop, the literary atmosphere is very important, but it must have its own uniqueness. In addition, we also need to pay attention to business strategies and methods while literature and art, so as to win in the fierce market competition.