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How to restore your damaged health-man

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Men shoulder a greater responsibility, work, family and other factors no doubt slowly put pressure on men. Diet does not pay attention to it is also easy to let the body in a sub-healthy state, what is the reason in the destruction of healthy physique? The following points may be noted. 1, do not eat breakfast harm: serious stomach problems, early aging, no spirit all day. Advice: No breakfast is bad for the body

Men have greater responsibilities on their shoulders, and there is no doubt that work, family and other factors are slowly exerting pressure on men. Careless diet is also easy to make the body in a state of sub-health, what is the reason for destroying the health of the body? Pay attention to the following points.


1. Skip breakfast

Harm: severe stomach problems, early aging, lack of energy throughout the day.

Suggestion: skipping breakfast is not good for your health, but there are still many white-collar workers who rush to work in the morning and do not have time to eat breakfast. You can prepare this situation one night in advance, or prepare some small, high-energy, convenient food. I really don't have time. A hamburger or cookie is better than none at all.

2. Go to the toilet and check your cell phone

Harm: long-term constipation, hemorrhoids.

Advice: no matter how busy you are at work, how many things you need to deal with, or how much you can't resist browsing Weibo. Do not read your cell phone or other newspapers and magazines when you go to the toilet, because sitting for a long time will make the brain ignore the sense of defecation, so that the defecation of the whole body is uncoordinated, making it difficult to defecate, and then the stool is dry, forming habitual constipation over time. That's how ten men and nine hemorrhoids come!


3. There are many social activities in the evening.

Hazards: stomach disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes.

Suggestion: although it is inevitable that you need to socialize in the evening at work, don't go out without it. Because drinking a lot and eating greasy food will make it difficult for the stomach to cope with, and it will also make a lot of fat condense on the walls of blood vessels and abdomen, so you will not be far from the three high people in the long run. Try to eat dinner at home, and the food should be light.

4. Eat quickly

Harm: increase gastrointestinal burden, lead to obesity, lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Suggestion: now the pace of work is fast, and every minute is used carefully. Many men, especially senior executives, take advantage of their meal time, either meeting guests or wolfing down their stomachs. This habit will put a great burden on the stomach and intestines, which will not only get fat but also cause other diseases. So no matter how busy you are, you should set aside time for eating, chew slowly and eat carefully, and treat your body well, so that your body will treat you well.


Do not drink water

Harm: lead to brain aging, induce cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, and affect renal metabolic function.

Suggestion: 70% of the human body is made up of water, although it is said that women drink more water is good for beauty, but men can not ignore the importance of drinking water. Many people do not have time to drink water when they are busy at work, which slows down the blood circulation in the body and prevents the kidneys from getting good metabolism. Drinking more water and going to the bathroom can not only ensure a healthy kidney function, but also get up and exercise a stiff body.

6. Often in the nervous body

Harm: easy to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, neurasthenia and other mental diseases.

Suggestion: men are under increasing pressure in modern urban life to buy houses, cars and famous brands. these excessive vanity make it difficult for men to be the head of the family at times, and all kinds of stress at work make them nervous all the time. I feel physically and mentally exhausted. It is suggested to relax the state of mind, not to pursue material life and comparison too much, to develop good interpersonal relationships at work, and to use the holidays to breathe fresh air outdoors to reduce stress.


7. Stay up late for a long time

Hazards: heart disease, sudden death

Suggestion: there are numerous cases of sudden death due to overwork and severe lack of sleep. Staying up late for a long time can lead to poor judgment, slow thinking, poor coordination, heavy responsibility, heart problems, sudden death or premature senility. No matter how important the work is, it is not as important as the body. When working, the boss's body is his own. It is better to go to bed early for health.

8. Men don't cry easily.

Hazards: gastric ulcer and schizophrenia.

Suggestion: although we have been taught from an early age that "men don't cry easily", if there is no way to dredge the depressed energy in our hearts, we will get sick when we silt up. Crying is the best way to vent without hurting others, and it will be much easier and happier psychologically after crying. Although men don't cry easily, it doesn't hurt to play lightly once in a while.


9. A minor illness becomes a serious illness

Harm: delay the opportunity of treatment, delay the disease, and even endanger illness.

Suggestion: men always feel that they are in good health and generally do not go to the hospital for examination, but just carry it when they have a headache and fever. However, they do not realize that many diseases that were originally small eventually developed into uncontrollable serious diseases because they could not be treated in time. Should be checked regularly, and usually pay more attention to their own stool and urine changes, where there is an incurable sore throat, unusual bleeding or constipation, any part of the lump, indigestion or dysphagia, coughing or hoarseness and so on, these unusual symptoms need to see a doctor immediately.

Men always take their bodies lightly, but it is this state of mind that slowly destroys their health. Drink less water, go to the toilet to play with your cell phone, and keep your words in mind. If you have found the root cause, you can only pay attention to it at ordinary times.