Coffee review

The species, brand recommendation and manor of Cabaret hole fish in Kenya washed AA Krinyaga producing area

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the fresh coffee fruits of this batch of hole fish AA are picked and processed by 250 farmers in the Kongyu processing plant under the jurisdiction of the Kabare farmers' cooperative. After peeling, fermenting and cleaning the coffee from the nearby Kongyu River, the coffee will be used in an African drying bed for drying. Every picking season, farmers are going to

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

The fresh coffee of this batch of Kongyu AA was picked and processed by 250 farmers in Kongyu Processing Plant under Kabare Farmers Cooperative. Coffee is peeled, fermented and washed in nearby river water and dried on African drying beds. Each harvest season, farmers will process nearly 300 tons of fresh coffee. Once processed, the coffee will be auctioned off every Wednesday in Nairobi and, once selected by the legal exporter, shipped to consumer markets around the world.

In every kenya before us, we especially like to pursue those strong and angular fruit acids, and this kenya, let me feel gentle, like facing the sea, there is a breeze feeling.

Factory Name: Qianjie Coffee Factory Address: Baoan Qianjie 10 Qianjie Coffee Shop, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Contact: 020-38364473 Shelf Life: 90 Net Content: 227g Packaging: Bulk Coffee Bean Ripe Degree: Coffee Cooked Bean Sugar Free Origin: Kenya Coffee Type: Other Roasting Degree: Mild Roasting

Hand-punched hole fish. 15g powder, medium fineness grinding (small Fuji ghost tooth knife 3.5 grinding), v60 filter cup, 91-93 ℃ water temperature, the first injection of 30g water volume, 27 seconds stewing, injection to 105g water volume cut off water, wait for the powder bed water volume to drop to half, then slowly inject water until 225g water volume, the tail section does not, water powder ratio 1:15, extraction time 2:00

Country: Kenya

Grade: AA

Production area: Krinagar production area

Altitude: 1550-1750 m

Soil: red phosphoric acid soil

Treatment: Kenyan double washing treatment

Varieties: SL 28, SL 34

Treatment plant: Orefish treatment plant

Producer: Kabare Cooperative

Flavors: Grapefruit Green Tea, Citrus, Black Plum, Mulled Pot

Kenya, located in East Africa, is one of the major coffee producing countries, with more than six million people engaged in the coffee industry, mostly in the form of a combination of small farmers and cooperatives.

Coffee trees in Kenya are mostly planted at an altitude of 1400 - 2000 meters, and their growth areas include Ruiri, Thika, Kirinyaga, Mt. Kenya West, Nyeri, Kiambu and Muranga. It is dominated by the foothills of Mt.Kenya and Aberdare.

In Kenya, there are many producing areas that strive to preserve native forest ecosystems, protect natural gene pools, support the reproduction of wild coffee varieties, and breed diverse coffee trees.

In 1930, the Kenyan unique varieties SL28 and SL34, which were bred and named by Scott Laboratories, were born in such a good environment.

According to SL Laboratory botanists, SL28 and SL34 are genetic variants. SL28 has a mixed lineage of French missionaries, mocha and Yemeni tibica. SL28 was bred to produce high quality, pest resistant coffee beans in large quantities.

Although SL28 did not yield as much as expected, the copper-leaf color and broad bean-like beans had great sweetness, balance and complexity, as well as notable citrus and dark plum characters. SL34 and SL28 taste similar, except for complex acid, and a good sweet finish, the taste is heavier, richer and cleaner than SL28. SL34 has French missionary, bourbon, and more Tibica pedigree. The beans are similar in appearance to SL28, but are better able to adapt to sudden heavy rain. It is these two important varieties that lead us to the unique Kenyan style: intense fruit acids, rich flavors and beautiful balance.

Flavor Description: Intense dry and wet aromas of lemon and plum. When lightly roasted, it has a variety of amazing aromas such as floral, lemon, etc. It also has sweet and sour juicy flavors such as grapefruit green tea and citrus juice. A little deeper roasting, it has various flavors such as honey and black plum. The finish is a lot of sweet and sour flavors of green tea.

This Kenyan fish comes from Kabare Cooperative's Kong Fish Processing Plant in Kenya's Klingaga producing area. It adopts Kenyan double washing method. It grows in Manyata-Embu County on the eastern hillside of Kenya Mountain Range from 1550 to 1750. The varieties are Kenya's classic SL28 and SL34. In addition, the local temperature difference between day and night is large, and Kenya's red phosphoric acid soil makes sour and sweet become the main flavor tone of Kenya.