Coffee review

Explore the secret | what is a cup of authentic Guangdong-Hong Kong coffee like?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) to make a pot of coffee in the morning, or to have a cup of coffee after lunch break before working, which is the daily habit of many people. Some people think that coffee is bitter and astringent, like 24 flavors, but in the eyes of enthusiasts, coffee is not only a rich drink, but also represents a comfortable life. As early as in the last world

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It is a habit for many people to get up in the morning and make a pot of coffee, or to have a cup of coffee before working after a lunch break. Some people think that coffee is bitter and astringent, like 24 flavors, but in the eyes of enthusiasts, coffee is not only a rich drink, but also represents a comfortable life.

As early as the last century, people living in Guangzhou and Hong Kong began to drink coffee: rich people driving sports cars sighed coffee and ate cakes comfortably in western restaurants. At the same time, ordinary people also sit in the stalls and taste the flavor of local cannon coffee.

At the beginning of contact, people who were used to drinking Chinese tea did not understand coffee. Under the influence of Western learning to the east, they slowly made local flavor coffee, and large stalls of coffee and mandarin ducks were born one after another.

Today, coffee is not just a drink, people hope to find an attitude towards life.

What changes have taken place in coffee between Guangdong and Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 21st century? What kind of coffee did you drink in your parents' time? In this issue, Mr. Hashima and you enter the world of traditional coffee and boutique coffee to taste the wonderful taste behind these stories.

Local cannon coffee in Daipai stalls

Colonial hotels, soy sauce and western food, these buildings and delicacies are all the characteristics brought to Hong Kong by the confluence of China and the West. It is the mutual exchange between the two cultures that led to the birth of this cup of local cannon coffee.

As early as the 1950s, high-end Western restaurants in Hong Kong already had a supply of "black coffee formula sugar". Seeing the way these foreigners shake their coffee cups through the glass window, people naturally want to learn style. After some big stalls smelled the business opportunity, they also sold a few cents of cheap coffee.

In the early years, coffee was called "morphine" in Chinese.

For these big stalls, it's hard to make a cup of coffee: if you can't afford a roaster, use a wok and stir-fry it. At that time, people did not understand the effect of shallow and medium-deep baking on bean flavor. If the taste was wrong, white sugar and sesame were added to make the coffee produce a more fragrant caramel flavor.

Without professional training, the chefs try the brewing method of silk stockings milk tea: pour the coffee powder into the tea bag, pour hot water to extract the coffee liquid, and then repeatedly hit the coffee. To this day, some old-fashioned stalls and cafes still maintain this traditional practice.

This kind of punching belongs to local creation.

People jokingly call it "local cannon coffee".

For Hong Kong people who grew up drinking tea, the coffee was bitter and sour, and they looked confused after drinking it. Only the "three-line workers" who work day and night (muddy water, civil engineering, paint industry) often use coffee to refresh themselves.

They don't want sugar, they don't drop milk, and they get bored. Later, this method of drinking was also called "flying sand milk" (sand refers to sugar, milk is light milk).

Compared to today, we sit in the Wi-Fi, air-conditioned cafe, drinking cappuccino, dripping coffee, our parents were sitting on the bench, drinking a cup of coffee and eating sweet cocktails. In their view, this is the happiest time of the day.

A cup of hot mandarin duck in the ice room

Dabai stall only learned to make a cup of western coffee, and the one who is really affected from diet to aesthetics must be the Hong Kong-style ice room: in addition to Western-style drinks and snacks, there are wooden booths, coffee cups and saucers. I learned everything from cafe in the West.

The 1980s was the period when Hong Kong's economy took off, and when people made money, people were more willing to go to the ice room to spend money, have a cup of mandarin duck and eat a piece of western cake.

When it comes to ice room drinks, of course, there are milk tea and red bean ice. Why don't we order coffee? It doesn't taste good, and it tastes sour, so it's natural to give up drinking!

Different from the current Chong of the western restaurant, the ice room usually makes coffee in advance and keeps it warm on the stove to ensure the production speed of the water bar. But in this way, coffee and air also come into contact for a long time, constantly oxidizing and producing acidity.

Although the coffee is not good, the mandarin duck made with it tastes too good. Yuanyang is a "coffee ditch (mixed) milk tea" drink.

Because the taste of milk coffee is so good that it is impossible to lack anyone like a mandarin duck bird, so it is called this image again. P.S. Hong Kong-style mandarin ducks are not animals!

-guess which one is mandarin duck.

A cup of beautiful mandarin duck pays attention to the ratio of milk tea to coffee. I like the ratio of seven (milk) and three (coffee) best. Milk tea is a little more. The mandarin duck made has both the burnt aroma of coffee and the smoothness of milk tea.

It is as fragrant as this cup of mandarin ducks and has the human touch of the ice room. when regular customers come into the shop and sit down, there is no need to talk about it. The man automatically helps himself to stay alone, wait a few minutes, and send you your favorite drinks and snacks, warm and sweet.

A cup of fine coffee in cafe

The era of going to the big stall and the ice room hea-hea is over. Nowadays, there is no better place to "drink the wild and blow into the water" than a boutique cafe. Peninsula Jun recently went to the Pearl River New Town and found a cafe that can lazily sigh for a cup of coffee: Yi Jian Coffee.

Go in, the overall design is simple and clean, the shop mainly with wood, ceramics to highlight the space texture, not too much fancy decoration, virtually let people have a kind of refreshing feeling of clear sky.

Watching these handsome boys and beauties make hands and talk about coffee from all over the world, it is comfortable, relaxed and elegant, which is also the "human touch" that the younger generation wants in the city.

At first, it was just to cheer us up, but now we focus on coffee and pay attention to the quality of life. We have a deeper understanding of coffee. No matter how good the coffee is, it will be finished in 30 minutes. What really lasts is the intimate relationship established between people that can last.

Some people say that life in the city is boring, so I hope to give you the warmth of a convenience store on the peninsula through these various stories.

My official Wechat account: peninsula convenience Store, let's discover the delicacy and warmth of the city.

Copyright belongs to the author, any form of reprint, please contact the author.

Author: peninsula convenience store (from Douban)
