Coffee review

About the origin of Kopi Luwak, Kopi Luwak introduces

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. You can find out the history of Kopi Luwak on the Internet. It is native to Sumatra, Indonesia, where there is a wild civet that lives on trees and likes to eat ripe coffee fruit, but the fruit is eaten only by a layer of skin and flesh, and the hard core is coffee beans intact.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The origin of Kopi Luwak can be easily found on the Internet. It is native to Sumatra, Indonesia, where there is a wild civet that lives on trees and likes to eat mature coffee fruit, but the fruit is eaten only with a layer of skin and flesh outside, and the hard core, that is, coffee beans, is excreted intact in the feces, washed and baked to become Kopi Luwak. Kopi Luwak is particularly sweet and delicious, and it is said that the secret is that most coffee needs to be fermented artificially, but Kopi Luwak naturally ferments in cats, the protein of the coffee is destroyed, and the bitterness of the coffee is greatly reduced. the taste of coffee is also more mellow and sweet.

To tell you the truth, I dare not fully believe the above revelations. The cat's belly is so amazing that when the coffee beans turn around inside, there will be earth-shaking changes, teaching people to praise it and worship it. But Ms. Zhou's kind gift can't be left empty there, can it? So I made up my mind to have a try. Since the judgment cannot be decided by one person, I specially invited two bosom friends, Tang Weijie, associate professor of Chinese language and literature of Tongji University, and Huang Xiaofeng, editor of the Oriental Morning Post, to verify it with me. What's more, there is identification because of the comparison. in addition to Kopi Luwak, I also prepare Colombian coffee and Italian coffee, three kinds of coffee are also electroground and cooked by trickling filter.


On the day of the trial, there were ten coffee cups on the long table, and everyone sat around the table in high spirits. Let's try the drink. Let's look at the coffee beans first. Italian coffee beans are black and bright, round and full, and sell best. Colombian coffee is the best coffee in Arabica coffee, famous for its aroma, smaller grains and lighter color. Cat poop coffee beans are flat, of different sizes, and have many broken grains, which is caused by workers squeezing in the process of picking up and washing beans. Taste the coffee again.

Three different kinds of coffee are poured into three different cups and tasted in turn. Colombian coffee is a top product with good taste, color, smell and taste, but it is a little more acidic. Italian coffee is characterized by thick and thick coffee. Only it can make a real ESPRESSO, which naturally tastes more bitter. As soon as Kopi Luwak made its debut, everyone looked strange, as if they really wanted a mouthful of cat shit soup. Of course, this is a joke. Kopi Luwak is really good, strong, fragrant and sweet, but Jie frowned and said it was a bit like burnt brown sugar. Xiaofeng has always been a "clear currant", but this time he made an exception and added a lot of Sanhua light milk to dilute the caramel flavor. The wife and daughter create a rustic taste with delicate products peculiar to women, thinking that blue mountain coffee is better than pure fragrance. They use a visual analogy: if blue mountain coffee is a young girl without powder, then Kopi Luwak is a half-old Xu Niang with a lot of make-up.

Kopi Luwak is produced by the feces of Indonesian coconut cats (a kind of civet) as raw materials, so it is called "Kopi Luwak". This kind of animal mainly feeds on coffee beans. After completing fermentation in the coconut cat's stomach, it destroys protein, produces short peptides and more free amino acids, reduces the bitterness of coffee, and then excretes feces as the main raw material. Because coffee beans cannot be digested, they are excreted and Kopi Luwak is made after washing and baking. Coffee critic Chris Rubin said, "the aroma of the wine is so rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly rich, almost like syrup." Its thickness and chocolate taste, and lingering on the tongue for a long time, pure aftertaste. "

Coconut cats are omnivores. In addition to eating seeds, they also eat insects, snakes, birds, amphibians and reptiles, so the feces discharged by really wild coconut cats will be mixed with all kinds of substances. Local farmers in Indonesia catch coconut cats to raise them and feed coffee beans to make them. But after all, there are some differences between artificial cultivation and natural ones.

In the coffee industry, Kopi Luwak is widely regarded as a product with novelty as the selling point. "the consensus in the industry is that it tastes bad," said the American Special Coffee Association (Specialty Coffee Association of America,SCAA). SCAA quoted a coffee expert as saying: "obviously, the selling point of Kopi Luwak is its story, not its quality." Using the SCAA standard, Kopi Luwak scored two points lower than the lowest score for the other three types of coffee. It can be speculated that the processing of Kopi Luwak diluted the high-quality acidity and taste and made the taste more insipid. Of course, many people also seem to regard this insipid taste as the advantage of this kind of coffee. "

Tim Carman, a food columnist for the Washington Post, commented on Kopi Luwak sold in the United States and concluded that "it tastes like Folger coffee." It's like rotten, lifeless taste. It's like petrified dinosaur shit in bath water. I can't finish it. "

The civet likes to choose the most ripe, sweet, juicy coffee fruit in the coffee tree as food. The coffee fruit passes through its digestive system, and only the pulp on the outside of the fruit is digested, and the hard coffee beans are then excreted intact by the civet's digestive system.

In this way, in the process of digestion, the coffee beans have an unparalleled magical change, the flavor tends to be unique, the taste is particularly mellow, and the rich, round and sweet taste is also incomparable to other coffee beans. This is due to the fact that the civets' digestive system destroys the protein in the coffee beans, making the coffee much less bitter and increasing the round taste of the coffee beans.

Because wild civets are obviously better at selecting good coffee fruits, this kind of coffee has outstanding characteristics.