Coffee review

Not being able to make better hands and pulling flowers are not just gimmicks. Five major misunderstandings about coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas Communication Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) it may only take a short time to have a cup of coffee, but there is a lot of knowledge behind it. With the popularity of chain brands, even convenience stores begin to sell caffeine. Caffeine is becoming more and more popular in Taiwan, but just because you like it doesn't mean you know how to drink it. Many people still have some specious ideas about coffee.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It may only take a short time to drink a cup of coffee, but there is a lot of knowledge behind it.

With the popularity of chain brands, even convenience stores have begun to sell caffeine. Caffeine is becoming more and more popular in Taiwan, but just because you like it doesn't mean you know how to drink it. Many people still have specious ideas about coffee. For example, hand-made coffee is better than machine-processed coffee. Pulling flowers is just a gimmick. Wait, in fact, none of this is entirely true.

GABEE, who has won the champion of Taiwan Coffee Masters Competition and his team has won several good results in coffee competitions. In an interview with Hong Kong's Apple Daily, Lim Dong-Won, the founder of the Cafe, pointed out five misunderstandings about coffee among most people.

First of all, for the coffee on the market, the hot is not necessarily better than the cold. In the past, the quality of coffee beans is not good enough, cold will appear defects, but now the quality is getting better and better, even if the good coffee is cold, the flavor is as outstanding.

Besides, hand-made coffee is not necessarily better. Lim Dong-Won points out that although hand brewing can show the nature of coffee, if you want to make the flavor richer and fuller, you still have to use an espresso machine, but the main focus is on the professionalism of the barista.

Third, many people will think that it doesn't matter whether the flower is beautiful or not, but it will still have an effect on the flavor of the coffee. For example, if you want to make a beautiful flower, you have to have meticulous and soft milk foam, and how to integrate coffee with milk is also a knowledge, and a good-looking flower draw can stimulate consumers' desire more.

Fourth, the fresher the coffee beans, the better! Although coffee has a lot of aromatic substances, which will be lengthened and volatilized over time, it does not mean that coffee beans have to be washed as soon as they are roasted, because most coffee beans need to be discharged and brewed after 2 or 3 days. It is the time when the aroma and flavor are most full.

Finally, the best way to taste coffee is not to hold it in your mouth for a while and then swallow it, but to fill it all over your mouth in a way similar to gargling before drinking it. In this way, in addition to exposing the coffee to all the taste buds in the mouth, it can also break into some air, produce an emanating effect, and have a more complete sense of flavor.