Coffee review

Nestl é supports Yunnan coffee industry and promotes its development.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own from the late 1980s to the present. Thanks to the efforts of Nestle to explore and cultivate, the industry finally realized the charm of Yunnan coffee for the first time in 2003. The word Yunnan coffee appeared for the first time in the futures exchange of the United States. Explore Yunnan Coffee as the first planting of Yunnan Coffee beans

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

From the late 1980s to the present, with the efforts of Nestl é, the industry finally realized the charm of Yunnan coffee for the first time in 2003, and the word "Yunnan coffee" appeared in the futures exchange of the United States for the first time.

Explore Yunnan Coffee

As a pioneer in the cultivation of coffee beans in Yunnan, Nestl é has been working hard on this land for 22 years.

Located in the subtropical plateau, Yunnan Pu'er is located in the golden planting belt of coffee beans in the world, while Simao area has fertile terraces at an altitude of 800-1300 meters, which provides unique growth conditions for small-grain coffee beans. Nestl é believes that the coffee made from the small seeds of coffee beans produced here will certainly become the top grade of coffee and will be highly praised by Chinese and foreign experts; at the same time, as a cash crop, compared with traditional agricultural crops, the introduction of this planting project will certainly create better economic benefits, bring better development opportunities for Simao area, and improve the quality of life of local residents.

With this belief, in 1988, Nestl é agronomists rented 8 mu of land on the outskirts of Pu'er, Yunnan, and began a coffee trial.

Enterprise-level cooperation to cultivate coffee culture

In the traditional cultivation of small farmers in China, self-sufficient agricultural products have always been the first choice for farmers, and Yunnan is no exception. According to a Nestl é survey, in addition to rice and rice, tea is the local cash crop, coffee culture is basically zero, and there is almost no production of small seeds of coffee beans in China. Although the price of coffee is much higher than that of tea in the international market, it still has nothing to do with Pu'er farmers. How to get local farmers to accept coffee cultivation is the number one problem that Nestl é needs to solve.

Fortunately, Nestl é soon found a breakthrough to solve this problem. Nestle experts found that Chinese farmers are very open-minded and ready to change at any time, as long as they can see real value. Therefore, when the coffee industry first settled in Yunnan, the first thing Nestl é did was to show local farmers the actual planting samples. Through the communication between Nestl é and local enterprises, some enterprises will soon be willing to take on the opportunity of this "model" first.

In 1989, the local tea company in Yunnan and the village committee jointly established the first local coffee growing enterprise. At the same time, Nestl é has set up an agricultural service department in Yunnan and dispatched foreign experts to provide technical support to help coffee farmers popularize their knowledge of coffee cultivation. In the same year, Nestl é signed a 14-year agreement with the local government to grow coffee in Pu'er, Simao and other areas in Yunnan. In the agreement, Nestl é explicitly promised to buy coffee at the spot market price in the United States as a safeguard for the interests of farmers, without capping it, and setting a minimum purchase price. At the same time, Nestl é also provides loans for technicians, seedlings and even interest-free farm tools.

In 1992, Nestl é established an experimental demonstration farm covering an area of 64 hectares in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. More than 30 kinds of coffee trees were collected from all over the world and planted for many years, from which 6 varieties most suitable for planting in Yunnan were selected to promote. Over the years, the demonstration farm has trained thousands of local farmers and agro-technicians to teach free professional techniques such as water head loss control, environmental protection, pest control, high yield and high yield. Agronomists from the company's headquarters have also been stationed in Yunnan for a long time, traveling to and from Xishuangbanna and Simao twice a week to teach farmers coffee planting techniques on the spot.

This partnership lasted until 2000.

After 11 years of virtuous circle, after 2000, most coffee growers in Yunnan have obtained the right to import and export, which is an important step in the development of the local coffee industry. The government hopes to allow local coffee companies to enter the broader international market, build their own brands and make Yunnan coffee sell at a higher price. At this time in Yunnan, coffee culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, enterprises have been on the right track, while small farmers in the quantity and quality of coffee cultivation have not yet formed a noteworthy force. Nestl é began to pay more attention to farmers and began in-depth cooperation with small farmers.

The model of small farmers ushered in a new era of coffee in Yunnan.

Since 2000, Nestl é has about 98% of its supply in Yunnan.

The merchants are all coffee growers, 80% of whom are small farmers whose land is less than 50 mu. From then on, the planting work of Nestl é in Yunnan has entered a new stage of "small farmer model". To sum up, Nestl é's "smallholder model" is to provide fair prices and stable markets at the time of acquisition, and free technology for planting. Nestl é only does technical training and acquisition in Pu'er, thus leaving a relatively longer industrial chain for local farmers, making it more possible for local farmers to get rid of poverty and embark on the road of prosperity.

Looking for many tiny profit points in the industrial chain, this is a large number of groups in the coffee industry in Yunnan. Some people in the village have opened coffee bean shelling processing stations, and some people have hired short-term workers to help take care of their own coffee growing business. In the 70-acre coffee plantation, it takes 20 people a day to pick the fruit, 60 days to pick the fruit, 100 people to fertilize and weed, and about 130000 yuan a year for short-term labourers, which can be shared by nearly a thousand poorer farmers. When coffee was first planted in the village in 1988, the annual per capita income was only 200 yuan. Now it has increased hundreds of times to more than 10,000 yuan.

However, the implementation of this "small peasant model" has brought new difficulties to our work.

In order to better teach planting techniques to farmers, "field inspection, village household visits, in-class and after-class training."... " It has basically become a daily portrayal of Nestl é technical experts. The training of experts is always done in the "home visit" in the field. Every year outside the purchase season, Nestl é experts drive a dark green Beijing Gyibug through shanzhai in Yunnan to provide free technical guidance to farmers. In 2006, the joint training requirements of small farmers increased significantly, even as far as hundreds of kilometers away in the mountains, because the mountain road is rugged, it takes a day to drive. With the help of foreign experts, the planting knowledge and experience of farmers are increasing, and the quality and output of coffee beans are increasing year by year. In 2003, Nestle Coffee's top high-end brand "Nespresso" adopted Pu'er coffee beans for the first time, more than 200 tons of coffee beans were exported to Switzerland, and the New York Futures Exchange put up the word "Yunnan coffee" for the first time. This year is of great significance to Yunnan coffee. On this basis, in 2005, Nestl é launched 100% Yunnan high-grade pure coffee, ushering in a new era of Yunnan coffee.

Over the past 22 years, Nestl é has maintained a very fair purchase price for Yunnan coffee, although more and more acquisition companies have entered Yunnan in recent years, but the price rarely exceeds that of Nestl é. According to the futures price of coffee in New York, Nestl é will form a fixed formula based on the transportation cost, the international reputation of coffee and the market, and send the latest price to the farmer's mobile phone twice a week.

Such pricing brings local land production into a virtuous circle.

Since 2007, the price of coffee has been rising, all kinds of capital have taken a fancy to Yunnan, the easiest way is to get land. But small farmers, who have become increasingly powerful, are no longer so easily controlled by capital. Local farmers said mockingly: "every year, all kinds of stakeholders come here to negotiate land ownership, up to a price of 10,000 yuan per mu." I dig one meter of coffee ditch, it costs 1.5 yuan, a total of 50,000 coffee seedlings in the field, the cost is 70 yuan per plant. I also planted some mangoes in the field. Although it is a bit high as a shade, I can still pick some mangoes after collecting coffee every year. I can earn two portions of one piece of land and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. "

Over the past 22 years, Nestl é has invested more than 50 million yuan to develop Yunnan's coffee industry and trained more than 4100 Yunnan farmers free of charge, helping Yunnan to become the largest coffee producer in China. By 2010, the annual output of coffee beans in Yunnan has reached about 30, 000 tons, and the coffee planting area in Pu'er area alone has reached 10400 hectares. more than 15000 farmers have become rich by growing coffee.

Over the past 22 years, Nestl é has always adhered to the idea of sustainable development, adhering to the business philosophy that "the company must meet the local interests in any country in order to develop sustainable business", and ensure the sustainable implementation of corporate social responsibility. integrate corporate social responsibility into the company's business process to create a win-win situation for consumers, shareholders, the community and society. Over the past 22 years, Nestl é has always made progress with Yunnan farmers, creating one surprise after another, giving this land a brand-new transformation. At present, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province has listed "expanding coffee planting area and increasing production capacity" as the focus of the 12th five-year Plan. It is believed that under the promotion of this policy, this area will usher in another spring of Yunnan coffee.