Coffee review

Panamanian coffee producing area, Panamanian coffee characteristics

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the Cafe Beautiful opened a small shop of its own, Panama, the finest coffee is grown in the western part of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is the most famous for its coffee, as well as Wakan, Santa Clara and Kendra. Other areas are larger.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The finest coffee in Panama (Panama) is grown in the west of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is the most famous for its coffee, as well as Wakan, Santa Clara and Kendra. Other areas include David, Remacimeinto, Bugaba and Tole. Only coffee grown at elevations between 1300 and 1500 meters above sea level is considered special coffee.

BOQUETE Panama is located in Chiriqui province on the border with Costa Rica and is the home of Panama's famous GEISHA coffee, known for producing high-quality Arabica coffee. TEDMAN & MACINTYRE ESTATE, located 4000 feet above sea level in the mountains of Porgate, originates from two of Panama's earliest coffee families, the TEDMAN family and the MACINTYRE family.

Villa Donica

Beauquet Green beans, moisture content, beans are soft beans, so good heat transmission, so do not worry about uneven baking, aroma and taste are excellent, smooth taste, dark chocolate, rich nutty aroma, high body, low acid, lasting sweetness.

Country of Origin: Panama

[Origin]: Boquete

[Altitude]: 1550-1700 m

Villa Donica

[Processing method]: Wet-Process Style Washing

[Level: SHB]

[Size]: 17 mesh or more

[Breed]: Kaduai

[Climate]: rainy season May-December, dry season January-April

[Soil]: Volcanic soil

[Recommended baking degree]: Medium (CITY+ ~ FULL CITY)

Panama·Emerald Manor Rose Summer Coffee Bean

Panama Geisha (Hacienda La Esmeralda)

[Origin]: Panama

[Origin]: Located on the slopes of Mount Baru, the highest peak in western Panama

[Manor]: Esmeralda (Emerald Manor)/ Hacienda La Esmeralda

[Level: SHB]

[Growth altitude]: 1450M

[Treatment method]: Fine washing treatment

[Special Certification]: Green Rainforest Certification

[Baking Degree]: Light Baked City-

[Flavor Description]: Oolong tea fragrance, peach fragrance, honey fragrance, fresh and comfortable, bright and balanced, the aroma is very strong, the whole aroma and caramel sweetness wrapped together, the tongue feels obvious acid, in the mouth is soft and round, fruit sweetness and sweetness strong, like swallowing a mouthful of fresh fruit tea, sweet and refreshing. The lower the temperature, the finer the acidity. The charm is also quite lasting, let a person feel good satisfaction!

La Esmeralda Panama is located in the corner of Baru volcano, so the coffee beans produced in this area are mostly named after Baru Mountain. The surrounding area of Boquete is beautiful, with many leisure hotels, villas, holiday estates, and even along the important river Rio Caldera. La Esmeralda is located on the right side of the river Jaramillo, and then on the left side of the river Ca? As Verdes grows coffee at higher elevations, thanks to Rudolph Peterson's decision to buy the property.

La Esmeralda has won 12 coffee competitions so far, and has set a record three times in online public bidding: 21 US dollars in 2004, 50.25 US dollars in 2006, and 130 US dollars in 2007! Of course, other countries have also bid a pound of good coffee close to 50 dollars (Brazil CoE champion Fazenda Santa Inês in 2005), El Injerto in 2008 Guatemala CoE champion 80.20 dollars; but you pay attention to the time point, that is, La Esmeralda bid record, before no bid price surpassed her, then, but she will surpass others, saying she is the record maker, no fluke!

La Esmeralda is Price Peterson's father, Swedish banker Rudolph A. Peterson, who was president of the Bank of America, was a big shot in the financial world at the time. Rudolph bought Hacienda La Esmeralda only for vacation and later retirement. He should not have expected that the estate would become world-famous and even become the representative of Panama's fine coffee estates.Price took over and divided the market into three brands (Esmeralda Special,Diamond Mountain grows,Palmyra ) according to altitude and microclimate, cup test performance and planting varieties.

Palmyra (Rainforest Alliance Certified) This brand of coffee is grown in the Baru Volcano Park area, all Catuai species, she is typical of Panama Bouqete high altitude coffee flavor. Palmyra is actually La Esmeralda's most productive coffee, accounting for about 70% of the total coffee production of the family.

Elida Manor

Panama Elida Natural

Coffee Country: Panama

[Coffee producing area]: Poquet

[Coffee Manor]: Elida Manor

[Planting altitude]: 3300 meters

[Baking Degree]: Light Baked

[Treatment method]: Washing

Coffee Flavor: Milk chocolate, citrus, peach, grapefruit

Elida Manor is located in the Poquet producing area of the western border province of Panama-Chery Ji Province. The most famous landmark and tourist attraction of the province is the Baru volcano at an altitude of 3300 meters. Baru volcano is one of the highest volcanoes in Central America, with a total area of about 14000 hectares. It can be divided into 7 different microclimate zones according to altitude. There are many rare plants, birds and mammals inhabiting in the volcanic range. The Poquet producing area is located on the east side of Baru volcano. It is a valley area where volcanic lava flows, adjacent to the Volcan Valley, another famous coffee producing area in Panama.

Boquet is Panama's most popular coffee producer, with many famous estates-such as the Emerald Estate, famous for its Geisha variety.(Esmeralda), Best of Panama Hartman, Mamakata (Mama Cata), Kotowa Estate, Santa Teresa Estate, etc., and Elida Estate itself is also a heavyweight star estate in the Boquet region-winning the Best of Panama award for the past five years in a row, second only to Emerald Estate. Elida Estate has a total area of 65 hectares, more than half of which are located within the Baru Volcano National Park, 30 hectares of which are planted with coffee trees and the remaining 35 hectares are virgin forests. Coffee is grown at altitudes ranging from 1670 to 1850 meters, making it one of Panama's two highest coffee estates (the other one at this altitude would be Carmen Estate in the Vulcan Valley). At this altitude, the low temperature delays the ripening of coffee berries by about a month, while the fertile volcanic loam provides sufficient nutrients for coffee, and the excellent microclimate brought by Baru volcano enables Elida Manor to repeatedly win cup tests. In addition to creating good conditions for coffee cultivation, the Lamastus family, which runs Elida Estate, has planted many different native tree species on the estate, not only to shade the coffee trees, but also to provide a friendly habitat for birds. In terms of fertilization, Lamastus family uses artificial fertilization and small amounts of chemical fertilizers, but never pesticides and herbicides harmful to the environment. In addition to Catuai, Typica and Bourbon, the Lamastus family also began planting Geisha varieties a few years ago. Despite this, Elida Estate's batches participating in the Best of Panama competition all use Catuai species, but they can still achieve good results repeatedly, which shows that their geographical environment and excellent post-harvest processing technology bring excellent quality and special flavor to coffee.

Casa Luis Estate

panama boquete casa ruiz S.A.

[Chinese Name] Caesar, Panama Borque Specialty District. Louis

[Cup flavor] Clean and fresh fruit flavor, elegant and charming floral fragrance, citrus slightly sour, bright and delicate taste, full fruit sweet fragrance.


[Origin] Boquet

CASA RUIZ S.A. Caesar Louis

[Treatment] Water washing treatment


[Altitude] 1400 m

[Level] SHB

Volcanic soil

Panama Caesar. Luis Estate, founded in 1920, is located in the Boquet specialty area of Mount Baru, located in the Boquet Valley of Mount Baru in northwestern Panama. Through three generations of coffee growing experience, the family combines more than 300 small family farms locally, and small estate coffee farmers join partners from planting, post-processing, roasting and marketing, unlike a single estate that cannot increase production scale. Types Caturra Catuai Mundo Novo and Bourbon The average annual rainfall is 3000 mm (between May and November), the average annual temperature is 14-24 ° C, and the altitude is more than 1400 meters.

Hope Manor

Country: Panama

[Origin]: Poquet

[Classification]: SHB

[Variety]: Katula, Katuai, Tiepica

[Baking Degree]: CITY+(Medium)

[Treatment method]: Washing

[Planting environment]: Altitude 1400-1600M

Hacienda La Esperanza

[Certification]: Organic certification

[Taste and Flavor]: This organic poquette has a nutty and berry aroma in the dry and wet fragrance. The acidity is not high, soft, and the sweetness is very high. The body is delicate and mellow. The mouth time is very long. The overall feeling is a bit similar to baby rose summer and sweet rose summer.

Hope Manor is located at an altitude of 1400-1600 meters and produces between 300-700 bags. Processing is mostly done on farms, washing, sun-drying, and the use of the treated hulls, pulp, and mucosa as fertilizer. The estate grows 60% katula, 20% katua and 20% tin card and other varieties, most notably rose summer seeds, and won the BEST OF PANAMA in 2008. They also planted many native trees as shade trees and nutrients for the soil, including orange trees and many tropical fruits such as lemons and grapefruits. There is a huge tropical rainforest nature reserve in the estate, and there are at least three different mountain wells with rich rainfall. The annual average rainfall is 3200 mm, and the weather temperature ranges from 16-23 degrees during the day and 14-20 degrees at night.

Elida Estate

[Name]: Elida Natural

[Origin]: Boquete

[Manor]: Elida Manor (Elida)

Catuai 85%, Typica & Bourbon 15%, Geisha(small amount)

[Treatment]: Sunlight (Natural)

[Altitude]: More than 1800 meters

Soil: Volcanic clay

Flavor Description: Tropical fruits, spices, nuts, milk chocolate

The farm dates back to 1918 and is owned by the Lamastus family, and the name Elida is the name of the farmer, Mrs. Robert Louis Lamastus. Elida Estate is located in Boquete producing area. The estate elevation is almost the highest in Panama, and nearly half of the area is in National Protected Park. It is a rare ultra-high altitude estate in Central America! Elida Estate has a total area of 65 hectares, half of which is located within Baru Volcano National Park, 30 hectares of which are planted with coffee trees and the remaining 35 hectares are virgin forests. Coffee is grown at altitudes ranging from 1670 to 1850 meters, making it one of the two highest coffee estates in Panama (the other one at this altitude would be Carmen Estate in the Vulcan Valley).

The rugged Baru is a young volcano, more than 3,400 meters above sea level, belonging to the active volcano, surrounded by seven different micro-climate zones, brewing a rich and diverse ecological environment, and Elida estate straddles one of them. The diverse micro-climate has advantages and disadvantages for coffee cultivation. In Elida's case, her flavor is stronger and more varied than most Panamanian coffee. Of course, the terrain of high altitude also has shortcomings, due to the excessive temperature difference between morning and evening, the coffee of Elida Manor needs 5 years of care after sowing to usher in the first harvest, and the waiting period for receipt is quite long (usually only 3 years for coffee in the production area). Although the plant grows slowly, it has a very good help for the development of coffee flavor. After entering the harvest period, due to the relationship between temperature coffee ripening period is often more than a month, ripening eve once blowing hurricane, heavy rain and other irresistible factors come, knowing that will cause significant losses, but because the beans do not reach the manor harvest standards, in the quality of the insistence, refused to rush to harvest and lead to a sharp decline in harvest! The risks are actually much greater than other low-altitude estates.

Elida Manor mainly has three varieties planted, namely Catuai(Catuai), Typica(Iron Pickup) and Geisha(Guixia). The processing plant of the manor is located halfway up the mountain. After the coffee is picked, it can be transported to the factory for processing as soon as possible to ensure that the quality of the coffee fruit is not affected. Elida's environment is also suitable for growing other high-quality temperate crops, especially tree tomatoes and some unusual high-altitude fruits. Interestingly, the taste of these fruits can often be found in Elida's coffee.

In addition to the unique ultra-high altitude and micro-climate, the owner of the estate, Mr. Wilford, has also made considerable efforts in harvesting and processing. In order to achieve the highest standards, Elida's coffee is only allowed to be hand-picked. The ripeness of the fruit is high, and the sugar content of pectin is naturally high, which is also the basis for producing Elida's high quality flavor.

In addition to being extremely strict with coffee cultivation, Mr. Wilford, the owner of the estate, is also more rigorous than the same industry in the purification of green beans after processing. For Panama Elida, it takes more than 5 months of low temperature Resting to green the green beans after processing, so that the coffee flavor can be more balanced and full. (Low temperature Resting is a concept of green bean purification that was vigorously promoted by coffee master George Howell in 2006. We found that green beans in subtropical areas need to be placed at low temperatures, but different treatments and altitudes will change the time of low temperature Resting. For Panama Elida, 5 months of low temperature Resting is the best)

Cup tester Ken Davids scored a high score of 93 for coffee at Elida Manor in 2012! Elida is also a regular on the bean list of players from all over the world in the World Barista Competition (WBC). It is also common to see contestants use a single Elida to concentrate SOE in the finals of Taiwan's TBC (Taiwan baristas contest) and domestic CBC (Chinese baristas competitions).

Due to the unique geographical conditions and the persistence and pursuit of coffee quality by Mr. Wilford, the landowner, Elida (Alida Manor) has been ranked as one of the three major estates in Panama along with La Esmeralda (Emerald Manor) and Kotowa Duncan (Duncan Manor).

Carmen Manor

[Origin]: Panama

[manor]: Carmen Manor

[grade]: SHB, EP

[altitude]: 1750 m

[soil]: black soil

[particles]: 17 mesh

[variety]: Kaduai Catuai 70%, Kaddura Caurra20%, Iron pickup Typica, Dwarf San Ramon San Ramon, New World Mundo Novo 10%

[raw bean treatment]: semi-washed

Carmen Manor Coffee is a coffee estate dominated by the family. The family has long grown coffee under the principle of providing high-quality coffee and protecting the environment. Efrain and Carmen Franceschi began growing Arabica coffee varieties on their estate in 1950. Today, Carmen Manor single processing plant produces about 1200 bags (60 kg each) of unique high-quality coffee beans every year!

Carmen Manor is located in the volcanic valley at an altitude of 1750 m. The manor is blessed with fertile soil and good natural shade. In addition, this area is also affected by the dual climate of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and the climate is cool. The dual characteristics of no frost damage at night and dry weather can create excellent growth conditions! Thanks to the volcano's black soil and good drainage facilities, Carmen Manor has high-quality Catuai,Caturra and Typica Arabica coffee!

Carmen Manor has 60% of the natural primeval forest, where coffee trees are planted and grow in the shade of these natural trees! As a result, the farm has been certified by Rainforest Alliance Association as ECO- OK environmentally friendly coffee! The coffee beans are harvested from late December to March of the next year, and the mature coffee cherries are harvested artificially. The waste produced in the fruit treatment (if the meat or * * are properly converted to composting or recycling, the raw beans are initially sun-dried and stored in the exclusive warehouse for secondary moisture content adjustment, and then shelled before export to maintain good quality of raw beans!

Carmen Manor has obtained the Ecological Conservation Certification (Certified Eco-OK Coffees) issued by the Tropical Rainforest Alliance, which is very strict and requires environmental and organic requirements at every step from planting to raw bean grinding, such as species diversity in the manor, zero pollution treatment process, reduced or restricted use of artificial chemical fertilizers, social and economic security of manor coffee farmers, and so on.