Coffee review

Yunnan coffee and American coffee are introduced. Is Yunnan coffee good?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Yunnan Coffee Iron pickup Coffee and Bobang, two classic high-quality coffee varieties, are the main coffee varieties cultivated in Yunnan. In 1991, Katim varieties were introduced from Kenya, which are more resistant to virus and higher yield. At present, Katim is the most widely planted in Yunnan.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Yunnan coffee

The two classic high-quality coffee varieties, Tieka and Bobang, are the main varieties of coffee in Yunnan. In 1991, the Katim series was introduced from Kenya, which has stronger anti-virus ability and higher yield. At present, Katim is the most widely planted in Yunnan, and there are also a small number of iron pickup and Bobang cultivation in Baoshan.

Iron pickup (typica)

The most classic high-quality Arabica species, world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee, Mocha Coffee and so on, are almost all Arabica species. Tieka Coffee, native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, is the most widely cultivated variety of coffee in the Western Hemisphere.

Bourbon (bourbon)

The variety, derived from the iron pickup, was planted by the French on the island of Bourbon (now known as Reunion) in 1708. Bourbon also has a beautiful aroma and rich flavor, which is higher in yield and growth than the iron pickup truck, and is suitable for planting in an area of 1200 Murray 2000 meters. Bourbon coffee is a variety of small-grain coffee second only to iron pickup.

Katim (catimor)

Small seed coffee belongs to Katim high generation variety. Katim is not pure Arabica, it is a hybrid of Timor (which belongs to Robusta) and caturra (a variety of Bobang), so catimor has 25% Robusta.

The third coffee futures trading center in the world

In April last year, the Yunnan Coffee Trading Center project was launched in Pu'er, listed on July 9, and officially registered and established Yunnan Coffee Trading Center Co., Ltd. on October 11. In January this year, Yunnan Coffee Trading Center successfully held the third Coffee Raw Bean Competition and the first Chinese boutique coffee auction, marking the official opening of Yunnan Coffee Trading Center. Wang Pinghua, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Agriculture, said that the Yunnan Coffee Trading Center will draw lessons from the practice of Dounan Flower Market to auction coffee and strive to build the trading center into the world's third coffee futures trading center.

Cafe Americano

"American Coffee" (English: Americano, Italian: Caff è Americano) is one of the most common coffee. It is made by using a drip-filter coffee pot to make black coffee, or by adding a lot of water to the Italian concentrate. The taste is light. Because the extraction time is relatively long (about four or five minutes), the caffeine content is high.

The name American coffee comes from the habit of American soldiers in Europe during the war to mix hot water into small portions of espresso that are common in Europe. Because Americans generally make coffee casually and simply, this method quickly became popular with the popularity of American chain stores in the world. Later, American coffee can even make all black coffee, such as drip filtration, French pressure and so on, black coffee can be called American coffee. In this article, we will only discuss American coffee made with Espresso as the base.

Americano is very popular in North America, especially breakfast, and office workers with American coffee can be seen everywhere during work. American style is also very popular in other countries where coffee drinking is common. In China, most cafes also provide American coffee. According to the statistics of our products, American coffee only accounts for 15% of the total amount of Italian coffee. It is not difficult to observe that most of those who love American style are foreigners and friends who have experience of living and working abroad, and take out. I am glad to see that this part of friends have gradually turned coffee into a necessity of life.

Let's talk about the American soul-espresso (Espresso). When I first met the American style, I was surprised that espresso could be sold by a different name as soon as it was put into the water. In fact, espresso was invented and developed in Italy, which began in the early 20th century, but until the mid-1940s, it was a drink made separately through vapor pressure. After the invention and successful commercialization of the Spring Lever (spring piston lever) coffee machine, espresso was transformed into a drink known today. The production process is the temperature of about 90-97 ℃ of hot water, to 9 to 10 atmospheric pressure (bar) pressure, in 20-30 seconds to extract the coffee liquid, 18-21 grams of coffee powder about 40~60ml coffee liquid extraction, according to the type of coffee beans, roasting methods, and coffee taste, the specific use of coffee weight, extraction time and extraction of coffee liquid are different.

It is such a strong liquid that not only tests the coffee beans, but also tests the barista's extraction skills. if the extraction time is tens of seconds, if the extraction is stopped prematurely, the concentration will become very sour and cannot be imported. A few seconds later, it will feel concentrated into water, and even a bitter and smoky bad taste, only the right time can make a cup concentrated, rich and complex, or round. Whether bright or calm, different varieties and roasting degrees of coffee beans will bring different tastes, but even if you make a cup of delicious concentrate that baristas like to talk about, there will still be guests who will not pay for it. Of course, there will still be many people who can't accept the strong stimulation of concentration, but can't resist the temptation of black coffee, so they choose American style. After being diluted with water, the concentrated sour, sweet and bitter are diluted and become more pleasing. It's a pleasure to drink for a while. A cup of delicious American style, not only the bitter taste of coffee, but also a little bit of sour, with a little bit of sweetness, as well as the aroma of coffee, and a long aftertaste.