Coffee review

What is cat shit coffee? The origin of cat shit coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pay attention to coffee reviews (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find a beautiful cafe to open your own shop. What is cat shit coffee? Kopi Luwak is Indonesian for coffee,Luwak is Indonesian for civet and coffee bean, a wild Indonesian civet called Luwak. It's an extremely rare coffee that's only produced annually.

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What is Kopi Luwak?

Kopi Luwak, officially known as Kopi Luwak, comes from Indonesia. Kopi means coffee in Indonesian, while Luwak stands for Indonesian civet and coffee beans, a wild Indonesian civet named Rwaka. It is an extremely rare coffee that produces only 500 pounds a year, and a cup of 4 oz coffee sells for $168 (about 1400 yuan), many times more than Blue Mountain Coffee.

The Origin of Kopi Luwak

Civet Coffee is the poop of an arboreal wild animal called "Musk Cat" on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and then goes through several processes such as selection, drying, deodorization, processing and roasting to produce the rarest, most unique and most expensive coffee in the world. Muscat Coffee, Kopi (Indonesian, coffee), Luwak refers to an arboreal wild animal commonly known as "civet" by Indonesians, which is found in Sumatra, Zawa, and Sulvish and is part of the 13677 islands of Indonesia.

This kind of coffee is called the most fragrant poop since there is shit. Although its name is not very elegant, it is a fact. It is the poop of an arboreal wild animal called "civet" on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Local farmers usually regard the discovery of "civet" feces as a gift from heaven, because not all "civets" feces can be luckily found. Once several such "coffee beans" are found, the locals will bend over and pick them up, collect them carefully, and then go through several processes such as selection, drying, deodorization, processing and roasting to produce the rarest, most unique and most expensive coffee in the world. Luwak is an omnivore. They are eccentric, have a keen sense of smell, have thick hair and long tail, like to walk at night, and live in tropical rain forests, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, mountain thickets or hills, mountains and grasses below 2000 meters above sea level. Their foods include small beasts, birds, amphibians and reptiles, crustaceans, fruits and seeds of insects and plants, and so on. This rare coffee is called Kopi Luwak, also known as Sumatran civet coffee. After a unique fermentation process, its flavor is very different from that of ordinary coffee.

Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or tanned to remove the peel, pulp and sheep skin, and finally take out the coffee beans, but Luwak uses the method of natural fermentation in the body to remove the coffee beans, so it has a special flavor. In the mountains of Indonesia, there is a kind of civet named Luwak that likes to eat oar coffee fruit, but the hard coffee seeds cannot be digested. With the excrement, Indonesians find that the coffee beans fermented by civets' intestines and stomach are very thick and mellow, so they collect civets' feces, sift them out, and brew them to drink. Due to the scarcity of production, the price remains high. It was the world's most valuable coffee that first introduced Ruwak coffee to the United States (M.P. Mountanos) pointed out that at first, when I heard about this kind of coffee fermented in the body, I thought it was a joke in the industry, but I didn't take it seriously. it was only when I saw a special report on Ruwak coffee in National Geographic that I became interested in her. it took seven years to find a stable supply and began to introduce a small amount to the United States.