Coffee review

How does Panamanian rosy summer coffee taste?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Follow caf é comments (official Wechat account vdailycom) and find out how Panamanian Rosa Coffee tastes like flowers, tropical fruits, strong sweetness and, when roasted properly, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. It was originally an ancient native species from Ethiopia and was brought into the country as a coffee sample.

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How does Panamanian rosy summer coffee taste?

Flowers, tropical fruits, strong sweetness; properly baked, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. It was originally an ancient native species from Ethiopia, as a coffee sample was brought to the coffee experimental garden in Costa Rica, and was distributed to several small farms for small-scale trial.

Not many people followed Rose Summer until one day, Esmerada (Emerald) Manor in Panama separated it from other varieties and won the national coffee competition.

The fruity and floral elements are almost like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, now some small farms also get rose summer seeds, and are eager to grow their own rose summer.

However, the results are different, and this "star" variety seems to have different tastes in different geographical locations due to the influence of weather, soil and altitude. However, in the Aktenango region, we see typical rosy summer features: the slender shape of beans, the changes during baking, and the elegant and uncooked flavor in the cup.

Panamanian coffee beans

Panamanian coffee beans are smooth, light and well-balanced, making them suitable for moderate roasting. There are a wide range of Panamanian coffee beans, including Typica, Kaddura, Catuai, Bourb ó n, Pacamara, Maragogipe, Geisha and so on.

Characteristics of Panamanian coffee beans

Panamanian coffee is characterized by volcanic ash soil and unique microclimate. Panamanian coffee is characterized by jasmine, citrus, ripe fruit, berries, caramel, special sweetness, vanilla, chocolate and other flavors.

Panamanian coffee producing area

The best coffee in the Panamanian coffee-producing area is grown in the north of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet region of Chiriqui province is famous for its Panamanian coffee, while other regions include David, Remacimeinto, Bugaba, Kendra Candela and Tole. Caf é Volcan Baru, a Panamanian coffee region with excellent quality, produced 2000 bags in 1994, accounting for 1 per cent of the country's total output.

Characteristics of Panamanian coffee

Panama coffee is characterized by smoothness, light weight and balanced sour taste, and its high-quality coffee beans have a pure flavor and rich characteristics. The first batch of coffee exported each year is shipped in November, and almost all high-quality coffee beans are shipped to France and Finland.

Rose summer coffee

The species of Geisha was discovered in the Rose Summer Forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, in Costa Rica in 1953, and in Panama from Franco Coco of Dongba Seven Farm Garden in the 1970s. Mr. Serraxin got the seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and started growing Rosa Coffee, which is not easy to come by because of its low production and bidding.

Rose summer coffee beans

Panamanian rosy summer coffee bean (Geisha) is a very rare coffee variety, which has caused a sensation among coffee connoisseurs all over the world over the past five years. Rosa coffee bean is considered to be the brightest, most abundant and strongly fragrant coffee variety. Rosa coffee trees grow at very high altitudes and have beautiful slender leaves. Rose summer coffee fruits and roses summer coffee beans are also slightly slender compared to other top-quality high-altitude coffee. Rose is full of sweetness and cleanliness on the palate, with rich aromas ranging from berry and citrus to mango, papaya and peach. A very obvious lemon (bergamot) general aftertaste is also a typical cup test attribute. Rosa coffee beans are often the champion of coffee varieties. Rosa coffee bean cup evaluation of moderate thickness, sweet, multi-layered tropical fruit flavor, rose type aroma aftertaste.

Rose summer siphon

Panamanian rosy summer coffee beans, as a boutique of boutique coffee, are suitable to use siphon coffee pots to brew, which can fully show the characteristics and flavor of rosy summer coffee; in addition to siphon, it is also suitable to drink by hand brewing and other more natural brewing methods.

Rose summer red label blue label

What does the red mark, green mark and blue mark represent in Rose Summer?

Jade Manor Rose Summer has three brands, which are divided into:

Bidding for ESMERALDA SPECIAL (red bid), selected above 1550 meters above sea level.

Poquet Boquete Geisha (green mark), Rose Summer is a selection of 1500 meters.

(ESMERALDA 1500) (Blue Standard) selected varieties of Rosa rugosa at an altitude of about 1500.

The word green standard generally appears in the variety of Rose, which participates in global auctions in May every year. The green bid does not participate in the bidding, but it is also of high quality and the price is slightly cheaper. Buyers who buy the red bid can give priority to the green bid.