Coffee review

Specific introduction to the method of drinking Mexican Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Metro Cafe opened a small shop of its own, and non-alcoholic Mexican coffee was often paired with milk. Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a pot at medium temperature, not too hot, and do not boil the milk. Then add the cocoa powder, fully dissolve and stir well. If you like chocolate,

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Alcohol-free Mexican coffee is often served with milk. Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a saucepan over medium heat. Then add cocoa powder, dissolve well and stir well. If you like chocolate, you can use chocolate paste instead of cocoa powder mixed with milk. Allow the milk to cool for about 5 minutes, then pour the coffee into the coffee cup, garnish the coffee with cold cream, and garnish with cinnamon. Chocolate and cinnamon aromas blend together to give off a desert flavor. Tasting such a cup of coffee, you feel as if you are walking through a desert zone full of vicissitudes.

Another method is to combine Mexico's most famous tequila with coffee by pouring a small glass of tequila into the bottom of the glass, followed by milk and coffee, preferably garnished with cream and cinnamon. Tequila is a powerful drink, and if you're brave enough, try this alternative coffee.

Indeed, after drinking Mexican coffee, it really has the effect of forgetting worries and eliminating worries. Mexican coffee has a low taste and strong aroma. Although it is slightly bitter, it is very mellow. It has a unique and strong flavor. It is a wonderful product for afternoon tea and should be carefully tasted. It is also the best choice for blending other coffees and the first sip of coffee that beginners should taste. When you taste Mexican coffee, it's best to drink it hot. After an hour of hot coffee, all the aroma will be gone. If the coffee is not filtered, pour carefully and do not stir the coffee grounds, just like slowly pouring old wine, not only to taste it, but also to enjoy its color

Mexicans are optimistic and enthusiastic by nature. It can also be seen from their coffee. The mellow Mexican coffee is not only loved by the native people, but also praised by many coffee connoisseurs. There are many ways to taste Mexican coffee, mainly divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic practices.

Alcohol-free Mexican coffee is often served with milk. Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a saucepan over medium heat. Then add cocoa powder, dissolve well and stir well. If you like chocolate, you can use chocolate paste instead of cocoa powder mixed with milk. Allow the milk to cool for about 5 minutes before pouring into the coffee. Garnish the coffee with cold cream and a cinnamon stick. Chocolate and cinnamon aromas blend together to give off a desert flavor. Tasting such a cup of coffee, you feel as if you are traveling through a desert full of vicissitudes. Mexican coffee selection is usually carried out manually. The main basis for selection is according to the fullness of coffee particles, whether uniform, and then divided into grades. Generally speaking, coffee with full and uniform particles is easier to preserve. Only the purest and most uniform coffee beans can be roasted to represent the best and finest coffee in the country.

After the coffee beans are picked, they are spread out in special rooms that are ventilated on all sides. About a week later, the beans are packed in loosely packed bags so that wind can blow through the bags. After about seven weeks, coffee beans change color and taste. Finally, these coffee beans are manually selected to select high-quality coffee beans and formally bagged for preservation.

Aldumara coffee beans are Mexico's top coffee beans, this coffee bean particles are large, with strong sweetness, sourness and good aroma. About 5/6 of Mexico's national area is plateau and mountain, with an average annual temperature of 25-27℃. The climate of the Mexican plateau is mild all year round, and most of the territory is plateau terrain. There is no cold in winter, no heat in summer, and all trees are evergreen all the year round. Therefore, it enjoys the reputation of "plateau pearl". Because of geographical environment and climate, Mexican coffee planting area is close to Guatemala. The main producing areas are Cocolabeco and Aualuka states. Most of the products are washed beans produced in highland, with good aroma and sour taste

Mexicans are optimistic and enthusiastic by nature. It can also be seen from their coffee. The mellow Mexican coffee is not only loved by the native people, but also praised by many coffee connoisseurs. There are many ways to taste Mexican coffee, mainly divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic practices.