Coffee review

What is the difference between dripping coffee and espresso

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened its own shop Xiaobian to share the difference between drip coffee and espresso. I hope it will be helpful to you! The biggest difference between espresso and dripping coffee is the fineness of grinding and the time of extraction. Espresso takes less time to extract, which uses an espresso machine to produce 15 Pa of gas.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The editor shares the difference between dripping coffee and espresso. I hope it will be helpful to you!

The biggest difference between espresso and dripping coffee is the fineness of grinding and the time of extraction.

Espresso takes less time to extract, using an espresso machine to generate a pressure of 15 Pa to allow the water to brew the coffee powder.

A sip of espresso needs to be made with 1.5 ounces of nearly boiling hot water to brew fine coffee powder.

If all goes well, we can make dark brown, slightly stronger coffee with a small layer of foam on top, just like the foam on top of beer.

There are often many variables in the process of making espresso.

For example, water temperature, water pressure, grinding fineness, as well as the density of coffee powder will affect the quality of coffee.

Espresso is made from different beans from different countries. In terms of coffee beans used, not all coffee beans can be used as espresso, but beans that can be used to make espresso can be used to make dripping coffee.

First, roast the coffee beans until they are black and glossy. Then, the coffee beans should be fully ground, usually as small as powdered sugar, which is much more detailed than the dripping coffee.

Because the finer the coffee beans are ground, the shorter the extraction time, that is, the time it takes to make coffee. Usually, to make the best espresso, the extraction time is about 25 seconds.

The beans of dripping coffee are not ground as fine as espresso, they are of medium fineness and are about the size of sand on the beach.

To make dripping coffee, first put the ground coffee powder on the filter paper, and then put it into the dripping pot. Then, brew the coffee powder in the drip pot with hot water about 85 degrees Celsius, and the coffee is filtered and extracted and slowly dripped into the cup.

This process is slower than that of espresso, and the coffee powder takes longer to come into contact with hot water.

As a result, a cup of dripping coffee contains more caffeine than espresso. Moreover, if properly stored, the temperature and aroma retention of drip coffee can reach more than two hours, which is much better than espresso.