Coffee review

The story behind a cup of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee shops abound in the city, and office workers enjoy a good morning with a cup of coffee in fashionable coffee shops; in less than five minutes, they can enjoy full-bodied coffee and start a refreshing work day.

Behind the taste and social taste of enjoying a cup of coffee, there are many unknown parts, or many people do not want to face up to them; what you may not believe is the complex structure of its international trade, ecology and social justice; on the one hand, it is a huge capital bidding market, and no amount of profit can make up for the greed of businessmen; on the other hand, countless coffee farmers are poor and poor. The forest fell and was replaced by monoculture coffee. The land was destroyed by pesticides and fertilizers, and thousands of organisms and innocent coffee farmers were poisoned and left dead.

Have you ever thought about how a cup of coffee in your hand went from the origin to here, and how many coffee farmers 'livelihood and ecological problems were affected?