Coffee review

Three minutes to make a cup of coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pay close attention to the coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find that the beautiful coffee shop opens its own small shop. The United States also plays hand-brewed coffee. The American fine coffee system will pay special attention to water temperature, grinding degree, powder-water ratio, extraction rate and curve. On the basis of thoroughly understanding these data, the Japanese will throw away these crutches, clear their minds, and then pay more attention to the interpretation of the present.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The United States also plays hand-brewed coffee, the American boutique coffee system will pay special attention to water temperature, grinding degree, powder-to-water ratio, extraction rate, curve …... On the other hand, the Japanese style will, on the basis of eating through these data, throw away these crutches, clear the mind, and then pay more attention to the interpretation of the "present".

This "present" includes the barista's understanding of the beans, the feelings of the guests in front of them, and the capture of the comprehensive aura inside and outside the bar at that time. He is like a good pianist, no longer thinking about exactly where the fingers of the next syllable should fall, and what the strength and rhythm should be.

What he actually did was to relax his mind and devote himself to combining his experience with his worldview, the feeling given to the performer by the listener, and the emotions that pervaded his heart at the moment, all into that song and conveyed through his fingers.

Yes, music is the way, not the end, and so is coffee.

The taste of coffee powder is discrete and lonely, making a hand-made filter is something that gathers the essence extracted by hot water into the utensils.

If people's words and deeds are good enough, they will form a 'filter effect' in the group, and the chance encounter of all kinds of souls in the filter will occur naturally. "

A friend once said that to me. Because the ultimate goal is the human being and the heart. Therefore, every craftsman who explores and pursues the road of Japanese-style coffee should not only train and improve his skills every day, but also strive to build his own heart and standardize his words and deeds in accordance with etiquette and law. only in this way can we have the ability to take good care of the guests in front of us from mouth to heart, and attract more like-minded people in exchange.

Therefore, the direction of Japanese hand coffee is more to pursue the "Tao" based on "art", and the "heart" is more important than the "brain". And the pursuit of "peace and quiet" of the Japanese tea ceremony is completely the same.

Before learning how to make hand coffee, we should prepare the necessary tools: bean grinder, hand pot, sharing pot, filter cup, filter paper, electronic scale and thermometer.

Pour the boiling water into the pot and cool it to the right temperature. For the raw materials of coffee production, we should not only pay attention to beans, water is also a very important constituent element. So water quantity, water temperature and water quality are all factors that baristas pay close attention to.

Each specific data change should be judged according to the different origin attribute of each bean, the degree of baking and the hierarchical tendency of the style you want to extract.

Prepare and steam. Judge the grinding degree of the beans according to their own understanding of the beans, then put the ground powder into the filter paper and gently touch the edge of the filter cup to spread the powder flat.

After that, a small amount of water is injected for steaming, smelling for a few seconds. With the number of seconds as the reference and the real aroma change as the final basis, the steaming time is determined.

Three times of water injection will be carried out after the end of steaming. The purpose of each water injection is different, so the water injection method and the amount of water injection will change accordingly.

For the first time, water should be injected as thin and slowly as possible in the shape of the Japanese character, in order to delineate the level of detail of the fragrance. The purpose of the next two times is to dilute gradually, the amount of water should be thickened gradually, and the injection rate should be faster accordingly.

If the expression of American coffee is more like an explanatory article written in rigorous English, it should be systematic, digital, clear at a glance, clear in context, and stable and replicable.

Then Japanese coffee is more like writing a poem in muddy and ambiguous Japanese. When it wants to convey to you "ten", it will only tell you "three" faintly, and you should taste the remaining "seven" slowly, and the level should be dark and long.