Coffee review

Costa Rican coffee bean honey treatment

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the coffee infrastructure of Costa Rica, which opened a small shop of its own, has long helped to get better prices on the international market. The washing treatment method was introduced in 1830; by 1905, there were 200 wet treatment plants in the country. Washed coffee can get a higher price, and the coffee treated in this way is usually of high quality.

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Costa Rica's coffee infrastructure has long contributed to better prices on international markets. Water washing was introduced in 1830; by 1905, there were 200 wet treatment plants in the country. Washed coffee can get a higher price, and the coffee thus treated is usually of better quality.

The coffee industry continued to grow until the growing areas of the various regions were saturated. The population spread from San José to the rest of the country, and farmers searched everywhere for land to cultivate. However, not all of the land in the country is suitable for coffee cultivation, which still inhibits the development of the coffee industry.

It is undeniable that Costa Rican coffee has long had a high reputation and can get a good price. Most of the coffee produced here tastes pure and pleasant, but it is not interesting and unique. In the second half of the 20th century, there was a movement away from native varieties and towards higher-yielding coffee varieties. Higher yields certainly help the economy, but many fine coffee buyers have noticed that the quality of the cups here has declined and even become less attractive. In recent years, however, there have been some shifts that have brought renewed attention to Costa Rican quality coffee.

growth conditions

Excellent Costa Rican coffee is known as "extra hard beans" and can grow at altitudes above 1500 meters.

Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers, and the higher the altitude, the better the beans.

This is not only because higher altitudes increase the acidity of the coffee beans and thus increase the flavor, but also because the lower night temperatures at higher altitudes can make the trees grow slower, thus making the coffee beans more intense. In addition, due to the sufficient rainfall caused by the high altitude drop, the growth of coffee trees is also very favorable.

Arabica beans

We can broadly say that there are two kinds of coffee beans in the world, arabica beans and robersta beans.

Costa Rica's coffee is all Arabica beans, using washing method, its style is bright, full of aroma, clear as wind chimes swaying in the breeze, and mild acidity, sweetness is quite good, because of the sweet relationship, even if the coffee becomes cold, it is also very good to drink, which is also a major feature of Costa Rica coffee.

honey treatment

Costa Rican coffee beans commonly use a "honey treatment" method to add fruit flavor characteristics to them. The so-called honey treatment refers to the method of drying the "coffee cherry" together with the intact pulp (mesocarp) after removing the peel. This coffee usually has a fruity flavor or a mild sour taste.

coffee cherries

However, some people may not have the concept of "coffee cherry", in fact, the real meaning of coffee beans is usually called coffee cherry, red purple coffee fruit in the core, although they are seeds, but people call beans, because they look like real beans.

In short, Costa Rica's high latitudes produced coffee beans in the world famous, rich, mild taste, but extremely acidic, coffee beans here are carefully processed, it is because of this, only high-quality coffee.