Coffee review

The profession of coffee roaster is not only expressing coffee, but also expressing oneself.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the roasting curve of Beautiful Cafe opening its own shop is a professional term in the coffee roasting world. It records the changes in the roasting process and is the key to grasping the taste of coffee. The dehydration of coffee needs to be carefully recorded, which affects how to use a few percent of the capacity of the coffee baking boiler and how to adjust the heat.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The baking curve is a professional term in the coffee roasting world. It records the changes in the roasting process and is the key to grasping the taste of coffee.

The dehydration of coffee needs to be carefully recorded, which affects how to use a few percent of the capacity of the coffee baking boiler, how to adjust the hot air exhaust, and whether the coffee can be roasted by the original curve.

Theme "African Legend" Cup side activities / Photo courtesy / Baker Eden Chen Guo

The roaster's understanding of coffee determines the future of coffee flavor, just like the education of his own children, based on the roaster's understanding of the world.

Coffee beans, whether new or old, should have their own unique baking curve. Carefully blindly test each batch of coffee beans, compare the baking records, you can find the key elements, grasp the taste of coffee beans should be used.

High-altitude raw beans and ripe raw beans can usually be stored for longer and have a longer life. Out-of-season coffee beans are not necessarily bad, old coffee sometimes has a special flavor to add points to the coffee. Coffee beans in the new season tend to be better after a period of time, such as coffee beans in Africa, which taste clean and bright and thin when fresh. After being placed for a period of time, the volatile aroma of the coffee is thicker and sweeter.

Roasting and cup testing, again and again to adjust, can make the coffee flavor better. Use your senses: eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Coffee roasting example sharing

[Ethiopia, Europe and Rome]

This is a coffee bean growing at high altitude and has a rich sweetness, so when setting the baking curve, I will choose to use 40% capacity, so that there is enough space in the roasting process to allow the coffee beans to absorb calories and bloom regional flavor. I chose a two-kilogram Turkish roaster lysander, which has a unique temperature display setting.

145 degrees into the beans, 1 minute 30 seconds, 128 degrees return temperature. Half open the throttle before rewarming, and all open the throttle after rewarming.

The first burst begins in about 7 minutes and 45 seconds, temperature 142 degrees, turn off firepower. (since it is an electric roaster, the firepower is adjusted by turning off the switch. At this time, the switch is turned off, and the heating tube is heated by residual temperature, which decreases gradually.)

The coffee bean aroma changes from lemon aroma to ripe flavor with creamy sweetness when the coffee bean aroma changes from the lemon aroma at the beginning of the burst to the ripe smell with creamy sweetness.

[baking skills]

1. The electric roaster cannot temporarily adjust the firepower during the baking process, so the weight of the beans needs to be set in advance to plan the total baking time and the heat absorption of coffee beans.

two。 In the design of firepower, the maximum value of the roaster is appropriate. When the carrying capacity of coffee beans is between 300g and 1000 grams, there will be no focus near the central line during the yellowing process of coffee beans.

3. The temperature shown by the roaster is usually between 130 and 160 degrees during the baking process (the actual bursting temperature of coffee beans cannot be calculated). Coffee beans can absorb enough calories to burst and form flavor.

4. Relatively low boiler air temperature, in the coffee beans into the first burst heat release process, is conducive to heat release, and will not produce raw bean epidermis cells are burned by high temperature.

5. Low-temperature roasted coffee has more of the original sweet taste of raw coffee beans, and the taste of coffee is more sweet, smooth and delicate.

Euro-Roman Oroma

Grade: specialty

Variety: heirloom

Altitude: 2200 m

Treatment method: washing method

Flavor: Jasmine, lemon, apricot, sucrose