Coffee review

N special uses of coffee filter paper! Mom doesn't have to worry about my filter paper being wasted anymore!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for a coffee lover, it is normal to have N coffee filter cups at home, sometimes like to use V60, KONO, sometimes obsessed with cake cups, suddenly collect one or two fan-shaped filter cups on a whim; if you lack a vase at home, you may be inexplicably received a Chemex pot.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It is normal for a coffee lover to have N coffee filter cups at home. Sometimes he likes to use V60 and KONO, sometimes he is obsessed with pastry cups, and suddenly he will collect one or two fan-shaped filter cups on a whim. If he lacks a vase at home, he may inexplicably receive a Chemex pot.

The hand destroys the whole life, it is tears if you talk too much.

The coffee filter cup is better. If you buy it, you can decorate it even if you don't need it. Anyway, it won't go bad and it won't go bad. But all kinds of matching filter paper, you will find that the more you put it, the more there is no place for security.

They are not well preserved, and they are worried about moisture, smell, and pollution. They are so well hidden that sometimes they don't even remember that they still have it at home. Anyway, once the coffee filter paper is not used, it becomes a chicken rib-you know, it is obviously a tapered filter cup and a tapered filter paper, and some different brands do not fit well, forcing Virgo to death.

Don't be afraid, today, the editor will give you a tip to share with you about the N special uses of coffee filter paper, and use the coffee filter paper accumulated in your home! (then buy a new one)


Handmade flower art

Handmade rose

Cut the filter paper into a special shape, then stick it in the shape of a rose, and finally dye it with red wine to become a handmade rose with the scent of "natural" flowers.

Thump, thump... Flowers don't get drunk. Everyone gets drunk! The Chemex kettle came in handy!


Handmade Christmas tree

The difficulty lies not in craftsmanship, but in ideas!


Rust prevention

Put a piece of coffee filter paper on the iron pot after washing, which can help absorb moisture and prevent rust.



Pour some white vinegar and a few drops of essential oil into the coffee filter paper and put them in the wardrobe, room and bag to keep the fragrance fresh.


Self-made soup buns

Put some bay leaves, garlic, pepper and other ingredients on a large piece of coffee filter paper, tie the rope and turn it into a self-made "seasoning bag". How convenient it is to put the soup in a pot and then pick it up in a whole bag!


Antifouling gloves

Always getting your hands greasy with butter when cooking? A coffee filter can be used instead to avoid this problem.


Microwave assistant

When microwaving food, does the sauce always spray on the microwave oven and get dirty everywhere? Spread a layer of coffee filter paper to cover the mouth of the bowl to avoid such trouble. You can put another piece of flower paper at the bottom!


Dedusting cloth

Soft coffee filter paper is also very suitable for wiping the screen, whether it's a mobile phone, a computer, or a TV screen, and the effect is better than a rag.


Self-made tea bag

If you wrap your favorite tea with coffee filter paper, you can make a tea bag that is easy to carry and brew.


Oil absorbent paper

Put the coffee filter paper under the bottle cap with a rubber band so that you won't get greasy on the whole bottle after each pour of oil.


Absorbent oil paper

In fact, coffee filter paper is also a very good face to absorb baking paper, we can cut the filter paper and put it in the bag to take it with you! I never thought of that! )



Pour some baking soda into the coffee filter paper to make a good deodorant!

Speaking of which, it seems ordinary, there is no eye-catching operation ah? Next, get for the foodies!


Filtered frying oil

Generally use oil to cut the impurities caught by the filter net, in fact, you can also use coffee filter paper to filter, and throw away less greasy cleaning action after use. After the frying oil is cooled and filtered into the filter paper, it will take more time, but the filtered oil is also very clean.


Be Benedict's eggs.

It is difficult for most of us to make a hard-boiled Benedict egg, but we did not expect that it can be easily done by beating the egg into the coffee filter paper and throwing it into boiling hot water. After picking it up, just peel off the filter paper.


Use it as packaging for sandwiches, etc.

When taking home-made sandwiches with plastic wrap or plastic bags, you may slip off if you eat them carelessly. Bag-shaped coffee filter paper is not only less slippery, especially round foods such as hamburgers and bagels are also easy to pack.

The filter paper made of paper can also be transformed into a general wrapping paper like a store by adding some lovely patterns on it.


Do water-cut yogurt

Water-cut yogurt, which was once popular in Japan because it was used to lose weight, has a cheesy taste that is also active in dessert cuisine. I didn't expect it to be as easy as using coffee filter paper.

As long as you put the market yogurt in the coffee filter paper, use the container that can pick up the water below, and throw it into the refrigerator for one night, you can also complete the beautiful and healthy water-cut yogurt.


Filter paper instead of drawer cloth

Steamed steamed bread, flower roll children, with drawer cloth to wash drawer cloth. You may have to wash the pans and steamers with dishwashing fluid. Recently, coffee filter paper has been used instead of drawer cloth, which is much easier to discard and wash steamers and steamers. The filter paper is breathable, so long as it is sprinkled with water, it is easy to remove the flower roll.

The specific way is to fold two round coffee papers in half and cut them into four fans. The four sheets of paper are staggered (easy to separate) and sprinkled with some water.

At the end of the speech, how does the editor feel that there are three sentences without food? Is it destined to be a foodie?


Cat anti-licking artifact

Hello, the coffee filter paper that sells well on Taobao, is it really good to play like this?

Why has it become a cat product for no reason?

The baby is unhappy.

I can't believe there are serious questions and answers. I lost!

Do you have any other creative uses for coffee filter paper? Come and share!

Wait! I don't seem to have enough filter paper!.