Coffee review

It's so hot that my coffee extract has changed.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the weather is so hot now, the business of many cafes is bad ~ it's not that everyone is not interested in iced coffee, it's just that people are too hot to melt their friends in the middle of the way, and they don't dare to ask out for coffee during the day.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The weather is so hot now that the business of many cafes is bad.

It's not that people are not interested in iced coffee, it's really hot enough to melt on the way.

I don't dare to go out for coffee during the day because I don't have a life-long friendship.

As a last resort, you'd better hide in the air-conditioned room and make your own coffee.

But there are still a lot of people come to ask the editor: editor ~ Why my coffee doesn't feel right recently? Is it so hot that the coffee beans have gone bad?

Don't joke ~ almost 200 °C coffee beans have survived, now this temperature can not make the coffee beans deteriorate, at best, the flavor dissipates a little faster.

But one thing you may not have noticed is that when the weather is hot, the extraction will deviate.

When the weather is hot, the temperature in the house can not come down at all, which means: when you do hand flushing, the hot water loses temperature slowly; when you make ice drops, it is already hot in the middle of the ice drop (ahem, exaggerated rhetoric); siphon. No, don't play siphon in this weather, it's too hot! We can't afford to drink ~ even if we bake, it will be affected by the hot weather-the boiler heats up faster than usual and cools more slowly than usual.

So, if you insist on using a set of extraction parameters and techniques that remain unchanged for a thousand years, it's not surprising that the coffee you brew doesn't feel right.

Still don't understand? Then give me a chestnut:

Now at room temperature 30 °C, I make a cup of Yega, and the water temperature measured before steaming is 92 °C. after steaming, the water temperature of the first stage of water injection drops to 88 °C, and the water temperature of the second stage of water injection drops to 85 °C. if the boss is willing to turn on the air conditioner, the room temperature is reduced to 16 °C, and the same stifling water temperature is 92 °C. by the time I am injected in the second stage, it may have dropped to 80 °C or even lower.

If you think it's just a little change in temperature, the extraction deviation should be small, right? So, let me give you a specific analysis:


Steaming time

If the room temperature is stable, then the same steaming time can make the release of flavor substances relatively stable. If the room temperature changes greatly, but the steaming time remains the same, then the effect of steaming is naturally different.

To put it simply, for the same fogging time, the effect of high room temperature steaming is better than that of low room temperature: lower acidity, higher sweetness and viscosity, and higher overall extraction rate.


Extraction time

As mentioned above, in the case of high room temperature, the loss of hot water temperature is slow, and the higher the water temperature, the higher the extraction efficiency. At the same time, the more substances that can be dissolved and extracted, the easier it is to pass the extraction.

To put it simply, at the same extraction time, the loss of temperature at high room temperature is slower than that at low room temperature, the extraction temperature is slightly higher, the extraction rate is slightly higher, and it is easier to overextract.


Water temperature

The water temperature does not need to be repeated. To put it simply, 92 °C in winter and 90 °C in summer. Of course, simply adjusting the water temperature is not the most appropriate response.


Water injection

Water injection corresponds to the extraction time, because if it is necessary to shorten the extraction time, the speed of water injection and the size of water flow need to be adjusted to speed up the filtration without changing the ratio of water to powder. Of course, no matter how fast the water is injected, it cannot flood the levee.


Grinding degree

The degree of grinding directly affects the overall extraction time and extraction rate-fine grinding, slow flow filtration speed, relatively coarse grinding, the extraction rate will be significantly increased. Therefore, in the case of high room temperature, you can consider slightly adjusting the degree of grinding, fine-tuning about 0.5 inch 1 scale.

The grinding is rough, the flow filtration speed is fast, and the corresponding extraction rate is reduced, in order to cope with the increase of equilibrium water temperature.


Heat source control

This is mainly aimed at siphon pots, mocha pots, Turkish pots and coffee roasting itself, which require heat sources. Whether it is electric heating or direct fire, heat source control is the most basic required course. In the case of room temperature change, adjust the firepower to maintain a good and stable temperature rise.



When the room temperature increases and the water temperature is on the high side, the same stirring operation will naturally release more flavor substances and improve the extraction rate. Like some hand flushing, love music pressure with stirring operation techniques, you need to pay attention to, if not necessary, or do not stir up.


Warm cup

The warm cup actually belongs to the category of drinking and service quality, but the editor still says a few words here. Warm cup is mainly aimed at winter, cold weather, hot coffee poured into a cold cup, immediately become mild, affecting the taste. On a hot summer day, there is really no great need. Of course, if you have to warm the cup to show professionalism and respect, please warm the cup at a relatively low temperature.




Finally, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. Before making coffee, pay attention to whether the beans are fresh enough. If you have passed the best flavor period, even if you follow the above tutorial to adjust it, it will not make much sense.

Finally, as mentioned above, please apply flexibly and understand thoroughly. If you copy mechanically and eventually lead to insufficient extraction, don't blame the editor for misleading you.